Text for Electronic Literature Salon Aug. 11th


(A description of the general direction of my work in relation to
codework, the body, "semantic ghosting," and tools; I'll be
focussing on the last, thinking about methods and meta-methods.
There are a few links accessible from the pdf or rtf; the rest are
only for illustation at the talk itself. Still this might be of
interest to you, and more likely not!)

For links and formatting see
http://www.alansondheim.org/salon.pdf or
http://www.alansondheim.org/salon.rtf ---

1. Very early on, 1970 something, worked on a distinction between
immersive and definable operations; the latter references usual
operations such as 2+3 = 5; the former, processes that are temporal
and involve someone doing something. The latter is a kind of
phenomenology of both body and abstraction and of course now
references code. So the body was always there with me in an uneasy
relationship to abstract thinking. (You can see this at work in the
video I did with Kathy Acker circa 1974.

2. A few years ago I wrote on distinctions among gamespace,
edgespace, and blankspace - again, while the first two are more or
less formal, the last references thinking through the imaginary,
projections and introjections of the body, and so forth.

3. This led further to thinking about somatic ghosting and the
abject - which for that matter can also be related to the (now old)
new primitives, club cultures, Covid-19, ISIS, police violence, and
so forth. It's relatively simple - not thinking about the ghost in
the machine, but about the body as fundamental in the matrix, in
networking, in code culture, and so forth. So almost in the sense
of a detective: where are the bodies?

4. I try to bring it/them into code or abject code generation, to
work with uncomfortable texts and readings, to create real and
symbolic parasitic noise (thinking about Serres' parasite), to
problematize the usual suturing that informs artworks in our
culture - framing and institutional devices, internal and external
framing, and so forth.

5. Examples - ytalk - an early 2-way conversation program using
telnet - the division in the screen also representing two presences
or bodies. IRC - Internet Relay Chat - with its own culture - a
potentially highspeed presencing of bodies - exercise with signing
in a "Susie" or such - and the private messaging lighting up the
screen. Or the early work I did in Pascal - see the several images
- working with obstructive and noisy editing - relationship to
Jewish and other refuseniks, blocked or altered messages, messages
in noise, number stations, etc. Show ytalk.mp4, editor and
editorpro, IRC.

6. Perl and Dialog texts following on this form - semantic
catalysts - Show KD and JD images for the latter - perhaps live
demo junew.pl etc. for the former. Talk about semantic
manipulations - "bending" texts towards issues of the body. Early
example - 4320 - towards a phenomenology of moving in 4d space.
Show NYUMISC images, read text. Here moving into video -

7. Access Grid - aaggdouble - what remains of presence and the
somatic among/during global circumnavigations.

8. Day in and Day out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb3VSSzWdws
series of works in Second Life, MacGrid, OpenSim localhost, trying
to "bend" (again) avatars into issues of abjection. All of the
videos are improvisations and almost all in real time - shape
riding in text and movement. It's important that all the movements
of the avatars originate in human motion - the dialog between
virtual and somatic is abject, uneasy.

9. Altered mocap - too much to show here - check out Jerky Moves
for Bio People for example -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIIHrCG2kSo Cyborg inversions -
also see Superhero Tethered
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXZschj5bwQ

10. The medical - Resonance / MRI - scan through this -

11. Finally, just a word on music - see Action Guitar -
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm4XJOFA7yI - somatic/thought
elements at work here.


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