age talking age

what i do, how i think, the below written at Aug 14 05:37 2020
another sleepless night. so i thought for once, writing down
as i rampage, so many of us undergoing the same. now the
thinking and writing, the 'testimony' (too loaded, pretentious,
a word) below:

i sink, i am sinking into history. i forget myself. more than
half my time with Azure is used up, i know that. I am already
used up, a state of permanent discard. the book will never come.
the light will never come. sometime after somewhere, a light, a
single pixel. it signals nothing, signifies emptiness. i
willnever see the world, earn a language. i put one foot after
the other.  i write of and in the body. now i type this, eyes
closed, conteplating demise. what is missepelled remains
misspelled. what passes through the gate enters another side.
there is no circling, no circumambulation. the gate is there in
the wasteland. one might walk around it. one might see something
wayward or untoward. i have been through all that. i am fearful
of tears, of living in the past. i am fearful of letting go
anyting, of the last note played on a guitar, the last breath of
a flute or shakuahchi, the last strumming of the strings. i type
blindly into oblivion. the depth of the roots of being, origins
of words, flattens out into life off the edge. my faculties are
giving out, my ears hearing less frequencies, my eyes jittering
with worry. it's the map of an untoward awkward body that has
always hated itself. i count my days and with Azure there is
wonder, ut i count my days and there is so much that is left out,
sheaves of things, regrets that fill universs, thoughts that
circulate only within me, solipsisms, as if there were whole
philosophies, volumes of philosophies calculating and nestling,
one against another, while the body dries, vision dims, and
things suspend themselves in a state of failure, falling not
apart, but askew. it's this block of text that harbors not
multitudes but absences, sheaves of thhistories gone awry,
bodies that disappear with a moment's touch. so much to fear,
anxiety withi a single glance, alking out of doors, always
worried about the next ghost of a human and their breath and what
surrounds but death. no final books, no autobiographies to speak
or whisper of, no deeds, no final words, no beginnings, no
endings, no circulations, not even a sense of irony or cmpassion,
that guy thinks too much of himself, neti neti neti neti, not
this, =not that, not this, not that, the text, these words, each
the stroke of a finger, slight pressure, curling in and around
itself. so i should live in the moment but the moment dissolves
into anxious trembling, accountancies, absences, even the
peripheries of genocides. this or any other day the last where
this whole history, rotted but remembered in tremendous detail,
goes the way goes the way of dust, accrual. everyy breath counts
me among its last, every microbe vanishes with every breath,
every thing is not a thing but the passage  landscape of
descriptions, coagulations, consciouensses always in a state of
momentary crisis, crises. for i have nothing to give, this failed
life almost over, of needs almost over, of statistics, almost
over, already announced with a viral spread among us, the
failures of organs organelles, what is it i have done, haven't
done, this automated writing or wryting which is no such thing
but the quiet sound of typing at four a..m. in the morning,
another sleepless night, trazadone notwithstanding, the silence
of the winds outside, another few dawns, when and wherever. there
won't be that book, that recoording, that cd., that memoir, that
description, that accountancy, i recognize it's all disappeared
always already in th works, no retrospective, no post respective
looking forward, more than most but dear god i have worked for
these moment s when it might be possible to say, something's been
said, a mark's been made, that particular coagulation of the
phoneme, it's the time of 'what have you' to which  there is no
answer, no receiving of the answer, no channeling. i live inside
myself, Azure and i are here among ourselves, that magic
underlying my remaining time on the planet, the etymologies of
that time continue to proper a scaffolding that's always already
forgotten at the moment of its enuncation. as long as i write
this, speak this, as long as, i am still alive, but there is that
moment when the lip of the edge of the fold caststrophe drops one
off at the station

no rails then or there, no trains, no power , no parasites, no
spaces no plateaus, deterritorializations, such an awkward word,
no words, no theories that resonate always in the process of
dropping one off at the station , no station, no transporation,
no rails, no engines, no ties, no tickets, no one and to know
one, 1, is hardly to konw the rest, remnants, residues, series,
of the rest of the numbers, systems, no remainders, no
surrealities, no solution to the riemann equations, to the
foundations, to equivalences, to the categories, to topos and
topologies, to matters dark, and light, and some such as we
disappear within the framework of what may well turn out to be
indefinite complexities and particles, particulations, i won't be
arroud for that, i'm not around for that now, the i is already
lost in anxieties, the enumeration of breaths, minutes, days,
blinks of an eye, perturbations of the soul and plate techtonics.
for i was born in despair and in the always already, my imminent
essence constituting failure and my inadequacies, commented on by
everyone around me, grown up under a violent barrier of
double-edged expectations, a 'wastral and a nincompoop,' a
failure at anythig but abjection, i shame myself before myself, i
count the days, i produce and create, i create daily, it's almost
a religion withme, when will these exercises stop, we are moving
into yet another too early morning when i have not yet begun to
sleep, my body on edge, flaming at the tips, the clock hands
moving faster and faster, so little time left for my inadequaces,
my little failures, i will think of koans, meditate on the rain,
calculate traces around the cube, paths crossing and
crisscrossing each other, adding into llanguage games, blander,

blender, blinder, blonder, blunder, there you have, the five
words and the five different internal vowels, how long did that
one take to work out. capitals in english always seem to proclaim
beginnings, the rest of the letters dragging sentences down with
them, petering out. every writing is a wryting, a writhing, a
wrything, a denouement. everything i do is ghosting behind,
beyond, among me. if you read this and this far, and you may,
eliminate the me, the I, the i, the body, and the ghost will
speak, will be spoken of , will be spoken to, will speak. now
will my eyes open, closer to death, what will i see, what will be
seen, and for whom,

and then the next day


and then, that same night, what i did, feeding the text into
the matrix:

everything do ghosting behind, beyond, me. read far, may,
eliminate I, i, body, speak, spoken to, speak. open, closer
death, see, seen, whom, __

Think this through...
Wanderer, what do they call you, when they call you...
Are you thinking as i sink, i am sinking into history. i forget
myself. more than ? Is i sink, i am sinking into history. i
forget myself. more than really thoughtful? Do you stay in your
thought, are you in your place, ah don't answer... Ah...
Have your numbered your ... , are you listng your thought?
I think we should consider that, i sink, i am sinking into
history. i forget myself. more than ... Would i sink, i am
sinking into history. i forget myself. more than mind you coding?
minds flows me beyond your thought!
What do you call your walked thought?
My off at the station is yours...

used up, a state of permanent discard. the book will never come.
calls forth local my masquerade, running 8 gigabytes. beneath or
within the grey, used up, a state of permanent discard. the book
will never come.  is , grey, half my time with Azure is used up,
i know that. I am already ? ... my masquerade is the wasteland.
one might walk around it. one might see something here, it's my

Are you becoming close to changing variables to used up, a state
of permanent discard. the book will never come. ? Wait! used up,
a state of permanent discard. the book will never come.  and 2451
are gone forever!

For 5 walked days, I have been infinite programmed ... and it has
taken you just 0.167 minutes running down the clock ...

used up, a state of permanent discard. the book will never come.
:half my time with Azure is used up, i know that. I am already :i
sink, i am sinking into history. i forget myself. more than
::wayward or untoward. i have been through all that. i am fearful
Your local off at the station is in my grey the wasteland. one
might walk around it. one might see something Devour local off at
the station O Program called used up, a state of permanent
discard. the book will never come. !

capitulations with interruptions, wooden planks laid endlessly
out something walking there
i know not where
circulations with intrusions, sodden paths endlessly wayliad
our somewhere walking thinking
where nor who nor whom

then nothing and out -
Fri Aug 14 12:41:53 EDT 2020

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