Link to the accompanying drawing

So this is what happened — 

That week Leonardo had been experimenting with using naturally occurring 
hallucinogens found in plants and fungi. He found that they could be used in 
his research into different, novel forms of transport. So far the helicopter 
and the various desert craft had been a grand success, in fact his partnership 
with B and a couple of other knights and particularly the Cathar connection, 
had resulted in a surplus of cash— a few chests of ducets; several boxes of 
precious and semi-precious stones now being stashed in  the outhouse and the 

So anyway, back to the trippy stuff (in both senses of the term ha ha). L 
realised that you could use the soma juice combined with ergot and shrooms, as 
a new way to power his latest land yacht/wagon/RV. By using several tens of 
thousands of bees in a sort of lattice super-hive built into the frame, that 
produced honey and royal jelly in copious amounts which, after combination with 
the vibrations from a theorbo lute playing certain coloured chords and 
contrapuntal movement in a clockwise motion, the travellers in the vehicle upon 
drinking the psychedelic concoction would travel to the pre-programmed 
destination ie they travelled in their collective consciousness. 

This was good in two ways: one- it meant there were less costs involved ie bed 
and board and sightseeing trips which can be quite dear, and two- you got there 
always in under 45, maybe 50 mins tops! Cos the speed of the trip coming on was 
always around that time. This meant it took the same time to go to the local 
pub as it took to go to Bangkok, Madrid or the Moon or Venus for that matter... 
Put it this way, you could do the whole shebang, free tea and coffee, all 
snacks and meals inclusive, sketches of sights you’d seen and samples of local 
wine and cheeses for two forints or forty quid in new money!


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