Link to the drawing

So it turned out that Leonardo also composed music, and knowing quite a few 
excellent court musicians and the like he penned avant garde pieces well ahead 
of their time. For instance L. wrote a piece for theorbo the long-necked lute, 
that sounded like Sonny Sharrock, insanely intense at times, at others gentle 
like the riffling of reeds by a pond. 

On a side note: ermine (White stoat) were kept essentially to supply the trim 
in capes and dresses etc but often became pets hence the phrase was coined 
'when are you takin the stoats out you lazy …?’  It wasn’t unusual to see L. 
out with a pack of 20 stoats or more, all on leads!

This was the stoat house he invented in the garden of his maisonette.

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