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‘It’s nay that I dinnae trust unto thee. That exasperating gait, the trellis 
beard, the floppy coat and purple breeches. Nor the ideas come they as seen, 
thick ‘n fast, morning fresh, dewy and new-born liken unto ripe baby plum 
tomatoes or even bunches of the purple grapes that growed as ‘m did right ‘pon 
they slopes backen up ahint they town.’

She smiled with her eyes at Leonardo, his barrel chest heaving as he 
mock-puffed out his cheeks in protest, and with a pretence at offence he half 
lifted himself out of his chair and whistled low and long.

‘By cricket and racquet I’ll burn your barn down! And make sure all the horses 
are spanking new and jimmy, by jingo right ready and In the chutes all you 
cowboys and cowgirls!’

They both settled back in their easy chairs, feet up on the fire grate so close 
to the coals as almost melting their boots and with their hands held out 
towards the blaze.

‘It’s a rum do chuck I’ll tell yer that and they’ll a nay been friends an gawd 
alone knows a wot type of exotic basterns they be. Frolic we may - and 
certainly we haven’t shirked in that field - aha ha ha ha!’ And she chuckled 
despite herself.

‘Vanya soiled oursens mony a time hey? Crackpot ‘ventures ‘n all dem ‘ting.’

She pulled her boots back a few inches from the fire and adjusted her seat 
cushions a bit till she was more comfortable.

Leonardo da Vinci nodded a few times and mouthed agreement, he smiled.

‘Ahem’ he cleared his throat and looked around at the shadowy room to the sides 
of them. The orange flames lit the walls throwing their two shadows massively 
behind them, the shapes moving constantly and dancing as the coals and logs 
continued to warm up the stones of the slightly dank smelling cottage in whose 
parlour they reclined so relaxedly.

‘Tomorrow we can reccy up the track and take lunch?’

Leo stroked his beard and nodded.

‘Aye a that we can’

A cat jumped then into Leo’s lap then walked over into B’s lap deciding to 
settle there, claws beginning to massage her thigh and actually pricking 
through the denim to make her wince. The purring beginning low and rhythmic as 
a perfect icing on the cake of the scene - the fire glow, the coals, the 
growing warmth, the shared moment, the mossy smell of the room and their gently 
steaming clothes.

Both were experiencing a very mild fever, but so slight as to feel fitting 
after the long adventures of the day - the moors, the big grey cloudy skies, 
the tramping through the heather, tangled in win bushes, finding paths through 
boggy ground, walking up a few mountains, windy vistas of rivers winding, 
valleys below with village smoke, church towers, farm buildings, fields in nice 
natural patterns quite higgledy piggledy laid out to regard at your pleasure, 
nice stone barns and field houses, dotted sheep and cows of brown and white or 
black and white, distant villages and very distant smoke of towns, crows, 
plovers, peewits, oyster catchers, one owl of the barn type - flapping in 
silent low slow motion beats across from the fence post and disappearing behind 
the stone wall - rabbits in plenty, tabby cats far from any houses out hunting 
with their nice tabby stripy coats with bits of barn straw clinging, all the 
light drizzle, some mist, dead trees here and there starkly white in the fields 
and - in short - all the good meanderings of the rather full and satisfyingly 
chilly winter day.

And so they sat and dozed by the fire and thought of nothing much but sleepy 
parlours and all that, cats and rain and flickering shadows.

They were trembling bodies, slight vessels adorning the pliant cloth of the 
moment, the slippery material, the rain drenched backs of those times and 
although aware they were not too aware at all or they played catch-up with 
themselves and the days that they were given.


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