
worry the ' as in 0' -> 1 so that ' implies scratching the
surface and giving it a name, might one say that 1 _always_
implies 2 for example, that nothing _always_ implies one? that
the surface sways, roils, produces through its very (non)-
existence: existence, "there is" or in other words, never mind
the zeros. lower down the operations things if i remember tend
to level out, repeat an uncomfortable bedrock of notices as if
there were legalese involved. perhaps such basic operations
are all there is and everything from particles to universes
proceed accordingly from the non-existence absent ontology of


but what has to be, doesn't what is, has no
necessity, what isn't is, has potential.
what has potential, hasn't occurrence. what
has to be, hasn't. what we read is what we
write, nature neither writes nor reads. nor
is it blind nor blind sentience. or what
might be a blind sentence. sentience is
consciousness surely. laminar mind wraps
around laminar mind. it is witness. i must
acknowledge that. what is witness is
witness'. what is neither this nor that is
productive. neti neti, tine v tine, is
productive. it doesn't have to be, it is.


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