Hi all,

It's been a challenging year in many ways, with stresses and losses beyond what 
we could ever have expected.

Research into the health benefits of meditation has accelerated greatly due to 
the pandemic.  As part of a current project that is investigating the 
interconnections between meditation and art I am collecting responses to the 
below 5-minute exercise.  If it is of interest to you or someone you know 
please feel free to send me your responses.

In any case, thanks to all and best wishes for a brighter new year!



5-minute Mona Lisa meditation

  1.  Schedule a time when you can spend a few minutes quietly.
  2.  Find a copy of the Mona Lisa, such as 
 one from Wikipedia.
  3.  Set a timer for five minutes.
  4.  While looking at the image, take 3 or 4 slow, natural breaths.
  5.  With eyes closed, do a body scan for a few breaths, noticing how your 
feet are placed on the floor and any other sensations.
  6.  Open your eyes and look for a few breaths at the person in the painting, 
paying attention to what you see.
  7.  If thoughts arise, just note them as "thinking" and bring your attention 
back to your breath and what you are seeing.
  8.  Look at the background of the painting for a few breaths.  How is it 
related to the person?
  9.  Compare the two sides of the background for a few breaths, noticing any 
similarities or differences.
  10. For a few breaths, notice the dark and the light areas of the painting.
  11. For a few breaths, notice anything in the painting that is rotating or 
  12. For a few breaths, try to hold eye contact with the painting.  Notice any 
feelings that arise.
  13. For the remaining time, just notice the sensation of breathing and 
whatever you are seeing in the painting.

When you are done, write down what the meditation was like.  Was there anything 
unexpected?  Include any details about the painting, your breathing, or other 
impressions you can remember from during the five minutes.  Share what you have 
written with one other person.


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