Hi all,

As I observe the George Floyd trials proceeding here it has given me some 
concern about what might happen if justice isn't served.  Last year was pretty 
devastating, and with the militancy of so many anti-progressive groups (as in 
January) it has me wondering if there is anything that could be done in advance 
to avoid the worst outcomes.  This is a bit utopian I admit, and sometimes 
things just have to unfold, but the question has crossed my mind whether civil 
society can or should try to do anything culturally, communally, to prepare and 
build resilience beyond the security measures being taken.  In some ways the 
latter are only heightening tensions and the sense of dystopia.

I started meditating about twenty years ago, and though I'm far from expert I 
really do think it's something that many people and cultures can relate to in 
various forms.  It seems to help individuals and communities stay resilient and 
cope skillfully with times of stress or crisis.  Therefore I cooked up the 
rather simplistic slogan "Meditation Not Violence."  I haven't done anything 
with it yet, no project in the works or anything, but I'm curious what others 
think about the concept.

If anyone has time to send any thoughts on or offlist -- and criticism is 
totally OK -- about the concept or the situation overall, and how or whether 
communities can prepare, it would be great to hear feedback.

All best,


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