This is great news re the bird brain!
I always suspected such in the bird.
They are obviously so clever - you only need to watch them briefly to suss it.
This thing about the bird song being passed along through tens of millions of 
years is a balm!
Thanks for this Max - it is trilling in my ears - and is like manna from heaven 
when it comes to
what L and B might get up to!!!

On 3 Jul 2021, at 20:18, Max Herman via NetBehaviour 
<> wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> I like your photo and phrasing here!  The line of soil reminded me of the 
> water horizon in the Mona Lisa, which I've been studying as it is a bit 
> unusual.
> Not sure if this is part of your poem, but I've been looking at weaving as a 
> motif and theme in Dante and Leonardo (possibly linked) and found the very 
> interesting, to me anyway, etymological factoid that "technology" and "text" 
> both derive from the Proto-Indo-European "teks-" which means "to weave."  
> Dante references the Fates and spinning often, and situates an allegorical 
> garment associated with Circe in a central dream sequence of the Commedia 
> (Purgatorio 19.1-33).  The dream is a little difficult to parse, with some 
> incongruent elements and very unpleasant undertones of medieval misogyny, and 
> might signify little more than Dante's own ambivalence or contempt toward 
> romantic love.  I believe that Leonardo may have reinterpreted the dream 
> sequence with some interesting and worthwhile revisions.  
> Re birds I was given a copy of Jennifer Ackerman's 2016 book on bird 
> intelligence this summer and have been meaning to read it.  The cover 
> illustration may be a type of jay, not sure, and the first illustration is of 
> a finch or sparrow perhaps drinking from a human-made vessel similar to what 
> motivated me to write a song in 2019.  The book says,
> "[T]he avian brain had no cortex like ours, where all the 'smart' stuff 
> happens.  Birds had minimal noggins for good reason, we thought: to allow for 
> airborne ways; to defy gravity; to hover, arabesque, dive, soar for days on 
> end, migrate thousands of miles, and maneuver in tight spaces.  For their 
> mastery of air, it seemed, birds paid a heavy cognitive penalty.
> "A closer look has taught us otherwise.  Birds do indeed have brains very 
> different from our own--and no wonder.  Humans and birds have been evolving 
> independently for a long time, since our last common ancestor more than 300 
> million years ago.  But some birds, in fact, have relatively large brains for 
> their body size, just as we do.  Moreover, when it comes to brainpower, size 
> seems to matter less than the number of neurons, where they're located, and 
> how they're connected.  And some bird brains, it turns out, pack very high 
> numbers of neurons where it counts, with densities akin to those found in 
> primates, and links and connections much like ours.  This may go a long way 
> toward explaining why certain birds have such sophisticated cognitive 
> abilities....
> "News has arrived that songbirds learn their songs the way we learn languages 
> and pass these tunes along in rich cultural traditions that began tens of 
> millions of years ago, when our primate ancestors were still scuttling about 
> on all fours."
> All best,
> Max
> From: NetBehaviour <> on behalf of 
> Alan Sondheim <>
> Sent: Saturday, July 3, 2021 2:00 AM
> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity 
> <>
> Subject: [NetBehaviour] Bluejay
> Bluejay
> There is stasis in the feet, the claws, the post.
> An imminent moment of invisible, internal tension.
> The spring, the lift.
> Nothing cries out in the beginning, throughout, beyond.
> Silent in the middle of the city, perhaps no nest.
> In the eaves, creatures.
> It's the _tension_ of the bird, it's ours.
> The weather worsens everywhere.
> Canada O Canada.
> The jay is _here_ not there, time looms, ours.
> We are responsible for time, for _this._
> We _loom._
> Faster than us, we await, apocalyptic.
> The apocalypse is a spiral, the jay is gone.
> The post is gone, the city is gone.
> The spring, when will weather worsen.
> The edge of the when, the when.
> ___
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