Hi Alan,

I have S. Foster Damon's book "William Blake: His Philosophy and Symbols"
on my shelves. Are you familiar with the William Blake Archive,
http://blakearchive.org/? It's an amazing site. You can compare different
editions of his books in fairly high resolution, for example,

You're right, the audio is terrible. I wonder what happened in the
recording. ISTR we sounded clear and reasonably loud during the actual
event. Maybe our local electronics boosted the signal but didn't do so for
the recording.


On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 1:13 PM Alan Sondheim <sondh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> This fascinates me; I had a long course on Blake from S. Foster Damon at
> Brown - he wrote one of the seminal books on Blake, so this is of interest
> to me for a lot of reasons.
> I like the interview but oddly it's hard to hear? And I hope we get to see
> you in Chicago!
> Best, Alan
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 1:05 PM Paul Hertz via NetBehaviour <
> netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
>> This is probably the sort of thing I should mention in this list, the
>> product of long research and hard work, though I guess it may also qualify
>> as self-promo.
>> *Fools Paradise*, a virtual world based on the "Proverbs of Hell" of
>> English poet and artist William Blake, can be downloaded from
>> https://dimoda.art/, the Digital Museum of Digital Art. It is part of an
>> anthology of VR works, DiMoDA 3.0, that includes work by six different
>> artists. The download is donation ware, with the money going to Covid
>> relief. The software will run on MacOS and Windows (separate downloads,
>> though) either on the desktop or with a tethered VR headset if you have the
>> right hardware.
>> Perched on a highland in the form of an immense open book with a stream
>> of language/water running down its center, the virtual world offers forty-
>> eight interactive pavilions linked by a network of paths. Each pavilion
>> interprets a proverb as a song for soprano, flute, cello, and spoken voice,
>> as a mask, and as calligraphy. VR architecture and code were created by
>> Paul Hertz, music by Stephen Dembski, sculptural masks by Mark Klink, and
>> calligraphy by Koy Suntichotinun
>> The VR architecture and the music are the result of a collaborative
>> process of intermedia composition that Stephen Dembski and I engaged in
>> over several years. In 2018 we showed our work at the XCoAx conference in
>> Madrid. You can read our presentation
>> <https://2018.xcoax.org/xCoAx2018.pdf#%5B%7B%22num%22%3A801%2C%22gen%22%3A0%7D%2C%7B%22name%22%3A%22Fit%22%7D%5D>
>> in the online Proceedings <https://2018.xcoax.org/>.
>> The work traveled extensively from 2018 to 2020, starting at SIGGRAPH
>> Asia in Bangkok, with stops in Vietnam, Arles, NYC, Chicago, Mexico City,
>> Lima, Toronto, Carbondale, Los Angeles, and points in between. If you're so
>> inclined, you can see the interview Stephen and I did with Will Robertson
>> and Alfredo Salazar Caro earlier this year:
>> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/879732357
>> cheers,
>> -- Paul
>> --
>> -----   |(*,+,#,=)(#,=,*,+)(=,#,+,*)(+,*,=,#)|   ---
>> http://paulhertz.net/
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