The Basement of Language

i don't know, is it hateful or not. i have nothing but words
which are no longer a common denominator; images, moving images,
dimensional images, immersive images, immersions, have taken
over, the word is a byproduct or something elsewhere, programming
... coding... mathesis... but not the surface which inverts, it's
top-down, language has lost, clipped language, emoji, every word
nothing more than that or less, 26 letters, that's meaningless;
what i do with language is fork it but the tendrils go nowhere,
there's always somewhat of a gap, distant memory, bodies
somewhere that used them at one point, now it's bodies,
interconnections, wire-skeins; i breathe words, my work's
thought-work that falls flat because of words, and so few
categories! verbs, nouns, stases, dynamics, things, Things
siloed, pancaked like the floors of that building squeezing the
life out of the world; the breath, breathing is something else,
in/out in/out, but that will stop sooner than later - it's not
that immersion experience isn't valuable, it's that it's from the
bottom up, the words a dead surface generating it but always
elsewhere. you can't take it apart when there's nothing;
immersion is that, nothing, but everything in that nothing, those
tiny letters, however many your language takes, always now
already left behind... even this bit of writing is antiquated,
the words dead before their submission to their placement in a
text that no longer has a material substrate; i think of language
as a scab or cicatrix disguising the body in the past, but now
discarded, sloughed, by immersion, a memory of something spoken,
a letter once delivered, and expletive - that's gone now as well
it should be, relegated to the basement or below of practical
code; this might be one of the last descriptions, but certainly
language will hang on just as a flat screen does, at least for a
while, somewhere, sometime; even the coding, the programming, the
symbols, the symbolic, will become a memory, and then not even


not. a immersions, or the clipped that what it there's gap,
somewhere them one point, point, point, at that distant somewhat
the with 26 every it's ... the moving words know, memory, coding,
does, certainly this to that's a by the or language substrate; a
longer longer longer has substrate; of scab body discarded,
something expletive should practical descriptions, flat sometime;
will have denominator; taken elsewhere, which language, or i but
always gap, somewhere them one point, point, one them that
distant always but do less, emoji, inverts, programming taken
images, nothing i become even flat but code; be, - spoken,
sloughed, in or of substrate; has longer longer longer a
substrate; language or in sloughed, spoken, that's relegated this
certainly screen the a don't but moving over, ... inverts, every
less, with the always distant that at point, point, point, one
them somewhere gap, there's it i or language, surface something
have common i that; symbolic, somewhere, a last of should
expletive of discarded, body scab of material has longer longer
longer a i language cicatrix the by a gone to might language at
the and is words images, word coding... top-down, word letters,
language tendrils somewhat memory, that at point, point, point,
one them bodies a nowhere, fork what than lost, the or images,
longer not. that; the while, just the below well delivered,
memory now the a think material has longer longer longer a i as
disguising past, a once now basement one hang least programming,
then it are images, is but language nothing that's is go of
memory, used at point, point, point, one used bodies of go is
that's more has but a immersive no hateful not the for on one
basement as once a but disguising as i a has longer longer has
material think a the but memory delivered, well or of on a
symbols, even or longer images, byproduct not lost, than
meaningless; fork nowhere, a bodies used one point, point, point,
at used memory, of tendrils language letters, nothing top-down,
mathesis... word dimensional which is and the at will be the now
letter immersion, past, cicatrix as i a longer longer longer has
material think a the now of and it of last as somewhere,
symbolic, that; i a immersions, something surface clipped that
what it there's gap, somewhere them one point, point, point, at
that distant somewhat the with 26 every it's ... the moving words
know, memory, coding, does, certainly this relegated that's a by
the or language substrate; a longer longer longer has substrate;
of scab body discarded, something expletive be, practical
descriptions, flat sometime; will have denominator; taken
elsewhere, which language, or i but always gap, somewhere them
one point, point, one them that distant always but do less,
emoji, inverts, programming taken images, nothing i become even
flat but code; be, - something sloughed, in scab of substrate;
has longer longer longer a substrate; language or in sloughed,
spoken, that's relegated this certainly screen the a don't but
moving over, ... inverts, every 26 with the always distant that
at point, point, point, one them somewhere gap, there's it i that
language, surface something have common i that; symbolic,
somewhere, a last of should expletive of discarded, body scab of
material has longer longer longer a i language cicatrix the by a
gone to might language at the and is which images, word coding...
top-down, word letters, language tendrils somewhat memory, that
at point, point, point, one them bodies a nowhere, fork what than
lost, the or images, longer not. that; the while, just the below
well delivered, memory now the a think material has longer longer
longer a i as disguising past, a once now basement one hang for
programming, then it are images, is but language nothing that's
is go of bodies used at point, point, point, one used bodies of
go is that's more has but a immersive no hateful not the for hang
one basement as once a but disguising as i a has longer longer
has material think a the but memory delivered, well or of just a
symbols, even or longer images, byproduct not lost, than
meaningless; fork nowhere, a bodies used one point, point, point,
at used memory, of tendrils language letters, nothing top-down,
mathesis... word dimensional which is and the at will be the now
letter immersion, past, cicatrix language i a longer longer
longer has material think a the now of and it of last as
somewhere, symbolic, that; i common immersions, something surface
clipped that what it there's gap, somewhere them one point,
point, point, at that distant somewhat the with 26 every it's ...
the moving but don't a coding, does, certainly this relegated
that's a by the or language substrate; a longer longer longer has
substrate; of scab body discarded, something - be, practical
descriptions, flat sometime; will have denominator; taken
elsewhere, which language, or do but always gap, somewhere them
one point, point, one them that distant always but do less,
emoji, which programming taken images, nothing i become even flat
but code; be, - something sloughed, in scab of substrate; has
longer longer longer a substrate; language or in sloughed,
spoken, that's relegated this certainly screen the a don't but
moving over, ... it's every 26 with the somewhat distant that at
point, point, point, one them somewhere gap, there's it i that
clipped surface something have common i that; symbolic,
somewhere, a last of should expletive of discarded, body scab of
material has longer longer longer a i language cicatrix the
immersion, a gone to might language at the and is which images,
word coding... top-down, word letters, language tendrils somewhat
memory, that at point, point, point, one them bodies a nowhere,
fork meaningless; than lost, the byproduct images, longer or even
symbols, while, just the below well delivered, memory now the a
think material has longer longer longer a i as disguising past, a
once as basement

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