If anyone can make sense of this article by Nail et al., please do!  πŸ™‚


From: NetBehaviour <netbehaviour-boun...@lists.netbehaviour.org> on behalf of 
Max Herman via NetBehaviour <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 11:38 AM
To: netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org>
Cc: Max Herman <maxnmher...@hotmail.com>; Anthony Stephenson 
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 1326, Issue 1

Hi Anthony,

Super interesting reference to Thomas Nail's work!  I wonder if "Being and 
Motion" is a reference to "Being and Time"?  My philosophy reading is even 
patchier than my Joyce.

In my research about Leonardo, much of which has consisted of emailing art 
historians to ask for recommended reference works, I have noticed that most art 
historians create a boundary around Leonardo that places him "outside" the 
circle of philosophers.  I find this to be an obstacle to making his work 
comprehensible.  He certainly avoided belonging to any philosophical school in 
his own day, and for myriad reasons worked in dozens of different fields, but 
there is a vast amount of his writing that cannot be described as anything 
other than the philosophy of motion.  Even better, he used visual means of 
articulating his philosophical views, so I would be curious to ask Nail if he 
has looked at any of Leonardo's writings or (as you point out may be lacking in 
his approach) imagery.

Here is a quote from Leonardo's notebooks (all of which must be taken with a 
grain of salt) of the sort which has prompted the above kind of question:

"If you condemn painting, which is the only imitator of all visible works of 
nature, you will certainly despise a subtle invention which brings philosophy 
[italics mine] and subtle speculation to the consideration of the nature of all 
forms β€” seas and plains, trees, animals, plants and flowers β€” which are 
surrounded by shade and light. And this is true knowledge and the legitimate 
issue of nature; for painting is born of nature β€” or, to speak more correctly, 
we will say it is the grandchild of nature; for all visible things are produced 
by nature, and these her children have given birth to painting."

This coincidentally appears on the front page of Wikiquote today (Aldous Huxley 
on experience):

"The poet is, etymologically, the maker. Like all makers, [they require] a 
stock of raw materials β€” in his case, experience. Now experience is not a 
matter of having actually swum the Hellespont, or danced with the dervishes, or 
slept in a doss-house. It is a matter of sensibility and intuition, of seeing 
and hearing the significant things, of paying attention at the right moments, 
of understanding and co-ordinating. Experience is not what happens to a 
[person]; it is what a [person] does with what happens to [them]. It is a gift 
for dealing with the accidents of existence, not the accidents themselves. By a 
happy dispensation of nature, the poet generally possesses the gift of 
experience in conjunction with that of expression. What [they say] so well is 
therefore intrinsically of value."
~ Aldous Huxley ~

All best,


PS -- not sure if I posted this before, but it's a poem I wrote in early June:

If you really want to try to write
To listen is the easy early step.
And not to targets set you by adepts
But lingered sounds around a pool by night.
Not just to whorls of darkness and of blight
For magic shadows of a hand that slept
Half a millennium, although it kept
A fast, can indicate and trace the light.
A thread under a spider’s touch will quiver
In rain, a cruel sun, or raging storm
The glands from which it flowed shattered and broken
Yet since the birth of time a sinuous river
Has nested births and spun the wheel-spoke form
From which the dream of touch has never woken.

PPS -- in his 2019 book Theory of the Image Nail does appear to be looking very 
much at the visual.  Based on the table of contents, the book discusses many 
topics dealt with by Leonardo and appearing (I would propose) in the Mona Lisa 
(Esperienza) including confluence, knots, experience, percussive light, 
Lucretius, etc. as well as  Leonardo's fascinating Deluge images from late in 
his career.
I see that the table of contents of Being and Motion does allude to Being and 
Time, as well as other topics I see well represented in Leonardo's work (and 
his portrait I believe to be of Esperienza) such as interval, continuum, 
circulation, knot, conjunction, etc.  My philosophy reading is too weak for me 
not to get confused by discussions of logos and phenomenology, sad to say.  πŸ™‚  
However I found Joost Keizer's book Leonardo's Paradox to be very interesting 
about writing as kinetic and visual; his article on allegory, words, and 
"moving" images also gets at some ideas which are interesting re the Nail 

From: NetBehaviour <netbehaviour-boun...@lists.netbehaviour.org> on behalf of 
Anthony Stephenson via NetBehaviour <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 10:41 AM
To: netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org>
Cc: Anthony Stephenson <aps0l...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 1326, Issue 1

an early anthology I did, "Individuals:
Post-Movement Art in America" - the title referring to eliminating
boundaries and stop defining movements in order to experience what artists
were actually doing outside boundaries.

Ah yes, I mentioned how I had enjoyed this book when I had applied to your 
graduate studies class at UCLA.
Also, pardon my obviousness, I have no doubt that you have considered 
liminality. My interjection was simply an attempt to get you to expand on some 
of these edge and boundary ideas. Thank you.

Can you say more how the liminal or edge/border applies to NFTs? I can see
how ownership is blurred, but then isn't it (re)defined in terms of the
contract and purchase, perhaps morphing but not challenging the concept?

I'm not sure if I could do that here, but as a layer of abstraction, a limit or 
boundary is defined. While at a more mundane level, it is theoretically 
possible to seize total control of such a legally defined "object" and restrict 
and/or control its affects as such – defining its level of liminality. I mean, 
other than that, a NFT is little more than DRM metadata.


"Liminal" is a word that I had to look up, because my working definition of it 
(blurry, tentative) I know is wrong, though I was recently reminded that 
"limnology" refers to the study of lakes.  Having looked it up, I see it means 
something like "transitional" or "on either side of a boundary," kind of like a 
bridge state.  Ovid's Metamorphoses, and Tolstoy's reference to same, are 
related as well.  If we take a snapshot of a transition, and say "this is what 
it is," we err.

Humans are perhaps the organism most capable of snapshots, and this may well be 
one of our least adaptive instincts during the present crises.  Snapshots lose 
flow, and disconnect from reality both external and otherwise.

I recently finished Thomas Nail's "Being and Motion". In it he attempts to 
present an Ontology of Motion – essentially, everything is moving. Yet even in 
this we see him getting distracted by anthropomorphic asides. It starts off 
good, with an emphasis on physics, but the middle gets bogged down with his 
(historically philosophical) focus on God. Later, he again tries to get his 
models to fit the media he knows (writing, printing, etc.) and it just seems 
contrived. Still, there were some good ideas in it.


- Anthony Stephenson



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