The drawing is here

They were hot days. Some of the days were clean. That is they were warm and 
clean. A gentle breeze blew, flicking the horses’ tails, disturbing the potato 
blossoms and cleaning away any traces of a humid or unsavoury air.

There was an overarching atmosphere of freshness. This was into August, and 
although the trees trailed their great boughs across the landscapes creating 
the deep green shadows, with the edges of woods enticing you to enter, their 
greenery was as yet without that first hint of brown and russet.

Meanwhile a strange craft, a delicate mass of thin poles and beams, metallic 
surfaces of purple and orange with slivers of black and silver, and trailing 
vines and strings, with ropes and tackle, swayed down in a gracious arc through 
the pale green air, landing gently with a little puff of grey smoke on the mass 
of what looked like anthracite and mica glitterings.

Two figures emerged from the mess of poles and string, and tentatively walked 
to the edge of the black sand where wavelets fell on the mica and little 
creatures ran about.

They gazed out over the aqua sea.

You see, the water feels very different here.

On dipping her hand into the water the woman examined the texture of the 
substance squirming across her knuckles.

It’s like water but seems much thinner and filigree with a shiny, refracting 
and almost crystalline nature about it. It’s like a liquid but also behaves 
like dust. Ha ha dusty water.

Yes, how fine it feels.

And L dipped his hand and scooped the watery dust, trickling it down his arm 
enjoying the strange feeling which although physical, was simultaneously 

let’s stay on Mars, for a while at least. Time took us back many millions of 
years, and as we guessed, Mars has this gorgeous sea, plus those lilac clouds 
and all this nice air. I don’t mind missing August, even though it was a very 
nice August and so clean and tidy this year?

Fair play.

So they hung out on Mars, trekked about on the slug-sledge, met loads of new 
people - the locals were many limbed and quite lithe, with pure telepathic 
awareness and no other senses except touch. They had frilly skin and were 
fairly randomly shaped, and vaguely humanoid.

Everything was conveyed by emotion or feeling. There were as many nuanced 
feelings as we have words.

So it was a rollercoaster for the earth humans, who never imagined they could 
feel so much in so short a time.

Fir instance when a Martian might say - would you like some salt on those chips 
- it was like feeling a vague uncertainty, slight unease, quite happy and then 
feeling absolutely sure of something. All at the same time, or rather in a sort 
of flow of quickly changing sense. Chips came into it too somewhere in there...

But they were fast learners and just rolled with it, adapting to the new style 
and enjoying the challenge although there were many tears shed before bedtime 
shall we say. And much laughter.

Fir instance when a Martian casually asked Leo - hand me those pliers please - 
Leo took several minutes to recover from the paroxysm of laughter that ensued, 
his sides ached as he rolled around on the ground ha ha ha ha ha. And he 
muttered to himself - why do pliers have to be so funny - as the fit subsided 
to a chuckle and the occasional guffaw.

Yes, so quickly did they adapt that they almost forgot earth style and they 
were happy - along with about twenty thousand other emotions.

The cerise and lavender sky trailed its evening arms across the mysterious 
fortress of schist and mica, the flat topped mountains marching down to the bay 
of dusty waves in the oaken evening as a great bird of the apocalypse flipped 
her wings at the dusk and the inevitable cloak of the blood red Martian night.

Thanks me hearties!


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