Hi Max,

I've 'used' Finnegans Wake but never read it in its entirety. My father
did, over a long period of time, along with a book that was a commentary or
decoding. An enormous amount of work was done on the book; I've never been
up to that, focusing instead on my own stuff; they seem mutually
Perhaps you might decode your decoding, for example the eternal question of
the bridge - why is this of concern to you?
I remember taking a year of Chaucer in college, and what it meant to fall
into that. But more to the point I had a year of Blake with S. Foster
Damon, one of the world experts on the poet at the time. We literally
waited impatiently to see what he would say about Tiger Tiger Burning
Bright; Damon came into the classroom and said "I have no idea what this
means" and went on to the other poems. In some ways it was a bypass; in
some ways it was Zen. His reply fascinated me. -

Best, Alan


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