The finished drawing in this link -

- …this is the Turboprop

You have the turbo prop control

I have the paddle

Got it?

- Yeah - thinks so..

B scratched her chin and grimaced. She threw down the bits of honeycomb she was 
nibbling and

regarded the contraption while gingerly poking and prodding at the tangled mass 
of string, twigs,

horse hair and feathery lattices.

- When I say go I’ll paddle furiously so the coracle starts to spin, and then 
when we are spinning quite fast, you pull that rope,

and thus kick in with the turboprop.

- Jeez, wish I stayed at home today - she muttered and to Leonardo - Fair dos 
mate, just give me the signal..

As the little coracle picked up speed in its dizzying twist, L shouted - Fire - 
and B yanked

at the hemp rope.

- Freak this - B exclaimed as the engine fired up and started to spit out bits 
of burning twig and 

coal, the lattice of small propellers began to fizz and tremble then buzzed and 
settled into a very

loud hum.  Quickly the craft spun faster and careered across the lake, 
dangerously missing a small barque 

and a brig tethered mid-water.

- Up-we-go shouted L as the boat lifted off and spiralled up and outwards, 
defying laws of known physics.

Faster it span, then crackled and burst into a great plume of blue flame - cool 
flames licked at the intrepid

pair, and then  -Flup! - The craft shot straight up accelerating several 
gravities compressing the drivers into

the bottom of the basket work.

Next thing they were out of the Earth’s atmosphere and free of gravity, and 
luckily a bubble

seemed to have formed around the boat allowing easy breathing conditions.

- Ok, now we are off to that bright dot over there..

L pointed and moved the paddle a bit, so they headed roughly in this direction.

- Thither we go. May as well kick back init…

And they zoomed off leaving a trail of tinkling bubbles behind... 


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