Resonance yet again:

"The end approaches, now it's too late to tell the truth about
the apocalypse. But what are you doing, all of you will still
insist, to what ends do you want to come when you come to tell
us, here now, let's go, come, the apocalypse, it's finished, I
tell you this, that's what's happening."

Derrida, Of an Apocalyptic Tone Newly Adopted in Philosophy, in
Derrida and Negative Theology, ed. Coward and Fosbay, 1992

The end always approaches, the end always withdraws. It
withdraws life as well as death, it seems. The end always seeps.
I can only tell the truth, not as I know it, will it, or see it,
but as it is. The apocalypse is finished, yes, it has not
arrived, but it seems, it is everywhere. Open your eyes, your
eyes open it. In the depths of darkness and smoke, your eyes
open it.

lying on my back i never thought this would happen

life the open approachwell end approacheslife The of Open it
but as always i can breathe again thank you nurses and
doctors i can hardly breathe in the icu

withdraws. The not it, yes, is it. smoke, open depths your
arrived, is. withdraws. that's it, yes, the Truth. smoke,
open depths, it seeps. seeps. well end approaches, life
always not it, it everywhere. yes

seems, is or the it end eyes open it apocalypse will only it
see truth

not as I seeps. I seeps. life The of Open it but as always
as approaches, the well smoke seeps. it only comes here. it
is to be swallow.I as has your darkness end as I know is. It
end The Withdraws.

It only.ow it arrived, your smoke, approaches, as can and
open it yes, see truth


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