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Leonardo lived alone in a cave by the baleful sea.

The late sun often reflected

A white copper into his eyes

Which glimmered under long

Eyebrows and a beetling brow.

Solitary walks along the shore with only the curlews and stonechats for 
company, and circuitous inland routes returned always to the cave and 

A dinner of dumplings with

Kale and endives. 

A rather bitter supper.

He bit his lip and scratched 

The plan of a castle turret

With shiny metal revolving

Plates and a super windlass 

Attached to a large crossbow.

Afterwards he walked down the beach and skimmed a

Flat pebble, watching it skip

More than a dozen times across the placid mirror that

Was the brine sea at his doorstep.

A small octopus at his feet

Regarded him then withdrew into its lair by the anemones.

He walked up the beach and ducked under the red sandstone overhang he called A 


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