Two Texts, One Text

two texts from available government documents

This is Special Recon sniper. I was tortured by this - Other
Reasons - Not a Proper Request anonymous people who speaks
only korean and english. They use fake love to mock me. They
use sonar frequency to let one hear things without others
hearing things. They are terrorists. They make people get into
noise hallucination but in reality they are using sonar
frequency to control and manipulate muscles, thoughts, scenes,
eyes, moves, brain function, and everything. They can let you
think something they can make you see dreams that they have
created by video editing. They say they are IDF, and NIS. They
go back and forth saying they are NIS and says they are IDF.
These psychotic terrorist use sonar frequency to fuck up
people and go into mental hospital because one that gets noise
tortured can't get trusted that they are being noise tortured
but just a mentally ill person. I was faked by their frequency
9 years ago when I was in Israel. I think they are probably
NIS wanting to fuck up Israel. They can control your heartbeat
by satelite. They see what you see but do not get scared
because in my knowledge copper barrier would be the answer for
shielding sonar frequency that could control or collect data.
Please just eliminate them. They are causing all the war in
this war. Corruption is by their duty

True and correct unredacted copy of any and all commercial
contracts and or agreements ever actually or presumptively
existing between I, the living man, and any of the following
incorporated entities- the united States, Federal Reserve,
International Monetary Fund, IMF, and any of their respective
franchises, agencies and departments including the
Commonwealth of PA. True and correct unredacted copy of any
and all commercial contracts and or agreements ever actually
or presumptively existing wherein I, the living man, have
under conditions of full disclosure knowingly and willingly
desired, intended or voluntarily agreed to act as a volunteer
federal employee specifically, as a "withholding Agent" or as
a "Warrant Officer" in the merchant Marine Service. True and
correct unredacted copy of any and all commercial contracts or
agreements ever actually or presumptively existing wherein I,
the living man, have under conditions of full disclosure
knowingly and willingly desired, intended or voluntarily
agreed to enroll in the social security program. True and
correct unredacted copy of any and all commercial contracts
and or agreements ever actually or presumptively existing
wherein I, the living man, have under conditions of full
disclosure knowingly and willingly desired, intended or
voluntarily agreed to enroll in the social security program.
True and correct unredacted copy of any and all commercial
contracts and or agreements ever actually or presumptively
existing wherein I, the living man, have under conditions of
full disclosure knowingly and willingly desired, intended or
voluntarily agreed to be a citizen" of the United States and
or wherein I, the living man, have deliberately undertaken to
become a United states citizen as required by US statue at
large. True and correct unredacted copy of any and all
commercial contracts and or agreements ever actually or
presumptively existing wherein I, the living man, have under
conditions of full disclosure knowingly and willingly desired
intended or voluntarily agreed to stand as a surety for any
bankrupt (b)(6): (b)(7)(C) Trust Management Organization
calling itself the United States of America and or wherein I,
the living man, have contracted at any time with the United
States, INC to provide any services, and or wherein I, the
living man have granted authorization to any foreign privately
owned banking cartel to represent me or my interest as a
priority creditor of the United States of America, INC. True
and correct unredacted copy of any and all commercial
contracts and or agreements ever actually or presumptively
existing wherein I, the living man have under conditions of
full disclosure knowingly and willing desired, intended or
voluntarily agreed to grant authorization to any Governor or
other elected or appointed official, corporate office,
employee or hired contractor of the United States of America.
Incorporated or the US

one text from speaking (fractured) Hebrew in voice to text:

Mom is China Halala has a McColl how do I look Laila Laila has
to have me call how Layla I need you whole The Big Show movies
are young ma Patron Anejo Mesa I need loyal Daya I told Ma
Brookside Charter Norelco hey no matter how long it's Yvonne
of the nearest Shell Hanukkah low I need for Save the haluk
Neosho Shabbat Shabbat and then of your Daya Mesa Market on
new Lord sell that the bear Laila Laila Laila Laila kashani
Rotel Little Bear I'm not sure who call I need a loan so care
of Milan Stewart the Stewart I need a Whole Lotta Love by its
ha I never supposed to mess up hair Hyundai Rotella Lockhart
wow news okay or suck air and then you go Daya I'm alone the
EC I'm alone God do you want me to Barry Bridge Art Shop hello
muddah bear Klum I never tell Alexa to stop by at 9 a.m. how
safe are an acre a horse a fair I need hot tea I'll buy it I
never saw a little locket the beta she moves I'm here. I need
to call Little Bear Cotati breed and the other day are they
are under your call Little Bear Hillary Day Louis Rich
marketon I need the honey hole what about Harvey Reed April
Hudson Hadrian Abraham son Hadrian Oribe to stay on my car
Oribe Tuesday Annie Rose I hid my game how guitar Shelly a
phone con I need Poe PA how I'll be wrong he may have my toes
and it cost how much host of Alvin Ron of Iran the new low fat
low your whole but a very very like I'm right uneven bear go
look on my Stewart anybody bear Stewart is that struck Boker
Tov Lyla tov Shalom over haha so so for the whole literary


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