Shimmed VLF w/ Kira Sedlock

(In which I say nothing, poorly:

The first video explored the body as vlf antenna, taken directly
from a vlf receiver as Kira moved on-stage. This video explores
the body's subsonic sound as Kira moves; the sound was recorded
with a vibration meter whose range starts at perhaps .1 Hz; the
meter was cabled directly into a digital recorder. The .wav file
was roughly set 96 Hz max; I raised several the result octaves
in Audition (working with various sampling techniques) to make
Kira's movement audible. Everything affected everything, from
breathing to hand-gestures to outside sounds. If the first vlf
piece might be said to represent the electro-magnetic changes in
the environment, based on antenna and body movement, then this
be considered the physical 'murmuration' of the architecture,
air, body, even the outside environment, creating a different
but parallel listening experience.

Everything sounds through electromagnetism, atmosphere, cosmic
crackle; everything moves, everything sings to everything, even
on Mars, on Titan, within and without black holes and nebulae.
We all know this already, but to hear all of this, is
remarkable. There we are, disturbances, but not disturbances -
say instead, languaging, electromagnetic and acoustic
generators, interpenetrating, roiling, O physics, O Andromeda!

"Sonification" doesn't do this justice; it's deeply arbitrary,
creating music according to our pubescent desires. Instead, it's
far more interesting, I think, to just raise or lower frequency
with the least possible interference and remapping algorithms.
For what the 'world' might tell us in its deep yet omnipresent
alterity is perhaps more relevant, than what I, or anyone else,
might make of it. (The music of _2001_ is an exact or inexact
opposite for example, that carries through with almost every
video that NASA etc. releases. We might think we're listening to
the stars, but we're far more likely to be listening to
histrionic romanticism instead - so while "we" are out there,
exploring space and time, we're bringing along our baggage,
which in so many ways, is ultimately destructive. The universe
is no more neighborly than our neighbors might be, and
recognizing strangers and strangeness as worlds not for the
conquering might be a first reasonable step towards an
inconceivable knowledge that might well be better, not for
humanism, but for humanity, on whatever scale and time.) (Or
maybe not.))

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