Hi all,

I just found a cool essay by Paul Valery called "Introduction to the Method of 
Leonardo da Vinci," which he wrote in 1895 at the tender age of 24 and updated 
in 1930.

Valery focuses on many of the aspects of Leonardo's technique which I believe 
are part of his principle of Esperienza, including metaphor (in both the 
cyclical and permutative sense), proprioception, irreducibility, and more.

He also investigates Leonardo's understanding of the machine, and how it both 
does and does not pertain to the design and "construction" of aesthetic 
experience.  (Giorgio di Santillana, historian of science and colleague of 
Norbert Wiener at MIT, would later in his 1961 essay "Leonardo: Man Without 
Letters" expand on Valery's insight to include the phenomenon of "machines 
making machines" that permeates our lives today.)

Valery also discusses Leonardo's conception of "the paradise of the sciences" 
which appears to mean something like an ethos, techne, and aesthetics of 
sustainability.  Another fun surprise is his reference to what amounts to 
meditation:  "Ten minutes of simply considering one’s own mind."  🙂

It's not an essay I have seen frequently mentioned but is definitely worth a 

All best,


PS -- the essay is available on JSTOR, but here are a couple of intriguing 

a. "More than one critic has spent a lifetime changing [their] definition of 
the beautiful, or life, or mystery.  Ten minutes of simply considering one’s 
own mind should suffice to destroy those idols of the cave and make one realize 
the inconsistency of attaching an abstract noun, always empty, to an always 
personal and strictly personal vision."

b. "Edgar Poe, who in this century of literary perturbation was the very 
lightning of the confusion, of the poetic storm, and whose analysis sometimes 
ends, like Leonardo’s, in mysterious smiles, has clearly established his 
reader’s approach on the basis of psychology and probable effects.  From that 
point of view, every combination of elements made to be perceived and judged 
depends on a few general laws and on a particular adaptation, defined in 
advance for a foreseen category of minds to which the whole is specially 
addressed; and the work of art becomes a machine designed to arouse and 
assemble the individual formations of those minds."

c. "I can see Leonardo da Vinci exploring the depths of this mechanism, which 
he called the paradise of the sciences, with the same natural power with which 
he dedicated himself to the invention of pure and misty faces.  And that same 
luminous territory, with its docile throng of possible beings, was the field of 
those activities which slowed down and solidified into distinct works of art.  
Leonardo himself did not feel that these expressed different passions."

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