Hi Max,

> Trying to learn a bit of Italian here and there to better understand 
> Leonardo, I looked up the etymology for "note" yesterday.
> Instant internet facts might not be true but it does appear to go back quite 
> clearly to the Latin nota:
> 'c. 1300, "a song, music, melody; instrumental music; a bird-song; a musical 
> note of a definite pitch," from Old Frenchnote and directly from Latin nota 
> "letter, character, note," originally "a mark, sign, means of recognition"' 
> -- 
> the above being interesting as always and to many artists and writers of the 
> past I think.  The following I did not know, continuing the above sentence:
> -- 'which traditionally has been connected to notus, past participle of 
> noscere "to come to know," but de Vaan reports this is "impossible," and with 
> no attractive alternative explanation, it is of unknown origin.'
> It seemed very odd to me that such a basic word as "note" or nota could be of 
> unknown origin.  I can see why historically linguists might wish noscere to 
> be the origin, but it doesn't make much sense except perhaps as a reflection 
> of the observers' bias (since their profession is largely premised on a 
> definition of marks as knowledge).  

From an outstanding Italian vocabulary:
nòta s. f. [dal lat. nŏta «segno, contrassegno, marchio, ecc.», di etimo 
oscuro, non essendo possibile, per la brevità della ŏ, una connessione con 
nōsco «conoscere» e nōmen «nome»]

which means from Latin “nŏta” «sign, countermark, mark, ecc.», obscure 
etymology, because a connection with nōsco «to know» and nōmen «name» is 
impossible, as the ŏ is ‘short'.

> Last year I had become interested in the Italian word nodo, knot, which is 
> used often by Dante and of course appears visually in great profusion in both 
> medieval visual art (both Islamic and European) and Leonardo's works.  I had 
> learned that nodo is from the same root as "net," the PIE root *ned-, meaning 
> "to bind, tie."  This is the root of "nexus" and "connect" as well as node, 
> and of course "knot."

nodo derives from Latin “nōdus”, which was knot, bond, obligation.
In Italian it means both knot (of a fishing net, for example) and node of a 

> "Note" is a significant concept in some ways because it relates music to 
> words and writing to speech.  Could notaderive also from *ned-, given the 
> many similar derivations?

Not necessarily, but who knows.

> I'm further reminded of a Shakespeare class I took once in which the 
> professor emphasized the Elizabethan pun on "nothing" and "noting" which were 
> both pronounced, apparently, "no-ting."  I.e., the pun is "neither noticing 
> nor writing is a thing."  Is knotting a thing?  Much Ado About Nothing is 
> also much ado about coupling and "tying the knot."
> It seemed to me that nota could be another derivation from *ned-, to tie or 
> bind.  Letters in script are kind of like knotted squiggles in many cases.  
> They "tie" a sound or shape (ah or A) to a word or a piece of a word.  Is it 
> possible for linguists to have overlooked this?  If examined and rejected, 
> was it done so accurately?  If yes, is it still interesting or useful as a 
> flight of fancy -- notes as knots?
> Dante speculated in his non-fiction work Il Convivio (The Banquet) that knots 
> and knotting were the basis of all language and literature.  He even made a 
> very charming visual diagram, quite possibly his own invention from whole 
> cloth, claiming that the word autore -- author -- derived from an obscure, 
> supposedly Latin term auieo, of questionable existence, formed by drawing a 
> knot-line through the vowels A, E, I, O, U, in the sequence first, last, 
> middle, second, fourth.  This word purportedly was created to show how 
> authors knot together the vowels, which in turn knot together the consonants 
> into words, thence into sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and books.  It's a 
> marvelous, and marvelously modern, bit of literary theater so to speak which 
> even prefigures aspects of Shakespeare's forays into modernity.
> Leonardo proposed an analogous idea that line, by means of a finger-touch on 
> a cave-wall, was the root of all writing, numbers, visual art, techne, and 
> math, since all of the symbols and images were ultimately made from lines and 
> squiggles.  
> Despite Dante's auieo being almost certainly an imagination of his own making 
> it does seem very plausible to me thatnota derives from the same origin as 
> nodo.  What ties together a net but nodes of knots?  What are notes if not 
> knots in a net?  The visual reality of this, or potential reality, seems best 
> illustrated by ornate knot-works such as Leonardo's Sala delle Asse (a trompe 
> l'oeil ceiling of intricately interwoven tree-branches mentioned here onlist 
> if I recall), many of his images of garments and fabrics, knot-designs for 
> the Academia Leonardo Vici, and innumerable shapes both abstract and non- in 
> his notebooks, as well as vast realms of other medieval, renaissance, and 
> ancient knot images and geometry.  
> My sense is that this is so obvious, even trite, that it must have been 
> looked into already ad nauseum, so I don't want to present it as necessarily 
> new.  If it is, that strikes me as very odd which is neither here nor there 
> perhaps.  If trite and utterly debunked, is there any chance of revitalizing 
> it in the context of say string theory?  Knot theory is also still a live 
> question in various fields.  I'm continuing to research and will report if I 
> find anything interesting.
> One last tangent: Leonardo's father and grandfather (the latter raised him as 
> an acknowledged but illegitimate offspring of the former) were notaries, 
> plural notai, singular notaio or notaia, who were kind of the attorneys of 
> the time who used special language to create binding contracts.  Any 
> connection to nodo or *ned- aside, are these not nodes and nets, ties and 
> bindings, with undeniably contemporary descendants?  

actually “notaio” is translated as “notary”, and they still exist and are 
called as such.
"notàio [lat. notarius (derived from nota)]"
So if nota has the connection you think it has, then it is possible.

Hope it helps,

> All best,
> Max
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