Sending you lots of love and good wishes, Marc.  All the very best Xxx

On Wed, 9 Feb 2022 at 10:46, marc garrett via NetBehaviour <> wrote:

> Dear friends and associates on Netbehaviour,
> Last Wednesday I was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer in the form of lesions
> around the neck, ear and throat - on the right side of my head. The
> hospital crew dealing with my cancer say it's curable but they need to
> begin the process immediately. It will involve an intense three months.
> They will use radiotherapy and chemotherapy on me. It's going to be really
> rough, already horrible things have happened. It will take about three
> weeks to set it all up, and then visiting the hospital every day for six
> weeks with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, ugh!
> I am officially on sick leave for the next three months regarding
> Furtherfield matters, but I will pop up (hopefully) every now and then with
> certain projects that are underway - especially the new book which is out
> very soon, called 'Frankenstein Reanimated: Art & Life in the 21st Century.
> Edited by Marc Garrett and Yiannis Colakides', to be published on Torque.
> Rather than telling everyone individually, it felt easier to mention it
> here. A warm thanks for the love already that people have expressed in my
> direction.
> Apologies if I do not respond to questions - I'm sure you'll appreciate
> that I'll likely be too unwell to interact.
> Wishing you well.
> Marc
> -------------------------------------------------------
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