in truth, in reality, it must be said
baraitha, an outside teaching
that remains outside the outside teaching
in a gulag always all ready
already of another making
the gray reign of bombs collapses
what has been heard already
by the herded who repeat
there is no city of peace, no jerusalem
in jerusalem no jerusalem
in kiev the front of violent weather
interrupted by a cyclone
of blood in truth, in reality, and
it must be said, baraitha,
an outside teaching that remains outside
in a gulag always already
all ready of another making
the gray rain of bombs collapses
the repetition of cities of war, no kiev
in kiev no kiev in ukraine no ukraine
in truth, in reality, no silence
baraitha, an inside teaching
that remains inside the outside teaching
gulag is always ready
gulag is always hungry
outside the outside teaching
inside the outside teaching

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