The picture lies here

The story:
Pass me that tent pole... great - throwing his boots down and removing his thin 
socks, L. Quickly climbed the mast, jamming the pole into the rigging at an 
oblique angle, then descending monkey style down the tangle of ropes and beams 
and dropping to the deck.
Well done old chap - remarked Bron, although I’m not sure what you’re up to.. I 
had to tighten the foresale then we can jam properly across this green sea, and 
reach our goal more quickly.
Fair play to that bro - B. Popped a green Midget gem in her gob and pulled her 
breeks up catching a moth in her hand distractedly while otherwise cocking her 
eye up at the great billowy sail and its seemingly attached cloud thing. She 
marvelled at the gizmo and leaned back on the rail, peering at the green and 
orange moth between her delicately curled fingers then blew gently and released 
the small creature watching it wing up past the mizzen and sail away towards 
some hazy distant islands that looked quite inviting... How far’s the island? - 
half a day maybe.. - lunch when we get there? - sure thing!  Creamed gumbo 
kippers mash turnip tips and endive salad with dijon then ice cream a la mode.. 
- what’s the a la mode bit - frozen raspberries with peanut sauce sprinkled 
with midget gems of course!!! - jeezis! Count me in. I’ll make a cocktail then 
we can surf a bit then have a kip, going to need our wits about us... #ink 
#penandink #surrealism #leonardo #art #quill #quillpen


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