The Hungarian Revolution

"The Story of the October Uprising as Recorded in Documents,
Dispatches, Eye-Witness Accounts, and World-wide Reactions"

Edited by Melvin J. Lasky

Published for the Congress for Cultural Freedom
by Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd, London, 1957

I find this book indispensible for understanding what is
happening in Ukraine now, so many years later. On page 64,
there is an aside:


'A people which enslaves others forges its own chains.'
- Karl Marx

'The victorious proletariat can force no blessings of
any kind upon any foreign nation without undermining
its own victory by so doing.'
- Frederick Engels

'If Finland, if Poland, if the Ukraine break away from
Russia, there is nothing bad about that. Anyone who says
there is, is a chauvinist. It would be madness to
continue the policy of Tsar Nicholas ... No nation can
be free if it oppresses other nations.'
- V. I. Lenin

Quoted in Peter Fryer, Hungarian Tragedy (Dobson),
London, 1956"

I recommend this book highly with its detailed first-
person accounts and analysis; it's fairly inexpensive
on Abe .

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