Arrow of Time and the Empyrean VIDEO

relating to heaven or the sky. "the empyrean domain where human
will and God's will became as one" h Similar: heavenly celestial
ethereal aerial upper      empyreal  noun noun: empyrean
heaven, in particular the highest part of heaven.     "the
unapproachable splendor of the empyrean" the the" h real real

are you with meAre you with me here the impr theThe imperian is
being read itNo articulatedarticulated in the background of this
man machine which kindWhich cannot do one or many Nothingsthings
are nothing at all i wantI want to multiplicity at once or
multiplicies while doing other or the same things one at the
same or at other times / whatWhat emerges is the contusion
orConfusion or confusion of disparities or whateverOr whatever I
don't know what to speed at this speed Or whatever . sound yes
the sound is one ofSound yes the sound is one of emergence the
sound is yes one of the sounds of it when the sounds of
emergence yes that's what it is . it'sIt's a meritocracy of
sound it's what emerges. right nowRight now processing
enterInterferes with process interferes with processing right
now . soSo it's always artificial salvagingSalvaging the savior
ofOf the imperian while the imperialImperial is being described
and processed . everything and nothing isEverything and nothing
is real. ohh that is soOh that is so trite so oh oh ohOh oh oh
oh that is so easySo easy to say. do you rememberDo you remember
when I was born in atAt furious speed question mark
questionmark? lookingLooking there's nothing anywhere everywhere
. this is theThis is the reasonable query of theOf the world.
howAlmost nothing could be sad andSet in two seconds period.
Almost nothing could almostAlmost nothing could be said in two
second periodSecond.

theThe splendor the lines and theThe lines in the ocean period.
Splendor and lines in the oceanIn the ocean. .

For inordinate divisions fearful in this and every other world .  VIDEO

Materials for the division between here and there between up and
down between us and them. Materials for the fluid division that
occurs in any human enterprise. In any classification system. In
any ordination in any coordinate system. And anything at all.
That can be said. And what can be said is not what is there.
What is there cannot be said. In the beginning was silence .
Silence is not absence of sound. But it's absence of human voice
articulating dichotomies and other splits that may or may not
have any relevance to the world at all but certainly has
relevance have relevance to the political acumen of the times
and destruction. Given all of that then given all of us then
these are the background materials for the other piece the piece
of here and there. But these clarify what was there clarify
scale clarify speed clarify the movement of whatever follows and
falls in the water and out of it. This was returning to the same
site as earlier and beginning to work with it again . Not on a
cloudy day but on a sunny day. There were small there were small
there were small there were small anomalies everywhere . There
are anomalies everywhere netty netty any TI any TI neither this
nor that . It's the anomalies that constitute the world and the
umwelt and what we see and feel and participate in within and
without the world. The waves are doing the movement of the
waves. What is conceivable is inconceivable. This is a
colleciton of raw materials. These are materials from an
expedition. These are materials from the surroundsin of
materials . Without the world there is nothing without the world
there is utter blackness unfathomable distances things we cannot
comprehend. These are the small movements within movements.
These are things that are dealing with self similarity. With
things that change not with scale but with our tendencies to
observe and think . To measure for ourselves and nothing further
- the immeasurable. I think it's thus, that the world falls out
from the world . Falls further . Falls further and falls. Falls
further than one might or might not comprehend . Diffidence . It
is this swallowing this swallowing this . Look while this is the
best I can do . I seem to be in a hurry in a hurry I seem to be
in a hurry in this emergence . This always already emergency.
This moment which is already passed. In this past moment which
is already passed. It's an inordinate within direction we'll go
in from here . It's an inordinately thin direction we'll go in
from here . Will go in from here. Maybe we'll go in . Maybe
we'll go .
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