i you astronaut

https://youtu.be/7CmCou6EL_s VIDEO

i you astronaut

Can you hear me can you hear me something is going awry
something here is going wrong here I don't know what it is can
you hear me yes no yes no say something yes no

I'm an astronaut I'm working here as an astronaut I'm working
inside of myself I'm an astronaut I'm an astronaut I'm working
inside of myself Can you hear me I'm an astronaut I'm working
inside of you I'm working inside of you I'm an astronaut I'm an
astronaut I'm working inside of yourself

Are you an astronaut are you working inside of yourself say
something say something are you an astronaut you working inside
of yourself are you working inside of me are you an astronaut am
I an astronaut working inside of myself are you an astronaut

Are you falling off the earth I see your falling off the earth I
see you're falling off the work I'm falling off the earth I'm
falling off the work towards you I'm falling off the earth
towards yourself I'm inside of myself myself I'm working and
falling off the earth inside of myself

Oh God you're falling off the earth I see you're falling off the
work you see I'm falling off the earth you're falling off the
earth inside I'm falling off the earth you see you're falling
off there I'm falling off the earth towards yourself I'm falling
off the earth towards myself you're falling off the earth
towards myself are you falling off the surf towards the earth
towards myself

Sirius is falling towards me the earth is falling towards
yourself the earth it's falling towards yourself falling towards
you fainting you're fainting you're failing out you're fading
out I can't hear you I can't see you I can't see what you're
saying I can't hear what you're saying I can't see what you're
printing I can't hear what you're printing what you're saying
you're falling out you're falling out of this

You don't believe anything I say you refuse it all you don't
believe a single thing I say you're not listening anymore you're
not listening I'm dying out here I'm dying out here there's no
air out here I'm dying out here I'm dying out here there's no
air out here

There's no dying out here there's dying out here wait there's no
dying out here there's out here there's our ear out here you're
inside of myself there's no air out here you don't believe
anything I say you refuse to say anything I say you don't
believe a single thing you're not listening anymore you're not
listening hold on you have to catch up with me hold on just hold
on for a minute one more minute that's all we need Now goodbye
now goodbye I'm reaching up and touching the sky I'm just
reaching up to touch the sky and reaching out to touch the sky
that's all I'm doing I'm just reaching out to touch the sky

You don't hear me you don't see me you don't know me I'm not
here I'm here you don't hear me or see me I'm here I'm touching
the sky you're not here

I'm an astronaut I'm inside of you you're an astronaut inside of
me to touch the sky there's our year out here there's no air out
here there's no air out here are you listening are you listening
a single thing I'm saying do you hear single thing I'm saying
you don't hear a thing I'm saying I don't hear a thing you're
saying no I don't hear a single thing you're saying

Goodbye now goodbye now goodbye from you to you goodbye for me
to me goodbye now goodbye now it's clear it's clear it's clear
it's clear it's clear it's clear you've come apart at the seams
I've come apart at the seams I don't hear a single thing I'm
saying I don't hear a single thing I'm saying goodbye now
goodbye now goodbye now I'm saying goodbye now to you I'm saying
goodbye now to me I'm saying goodbye I'm saying goodbye now I
talk you're saying I don't hear a thing I don't hear a thing I
don't hear anything you don't hear anything at all you don't
hear anything at all

Music plays please stop music it's an echo of an echo it's a
reverberation of a reverberation

everything goes black


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