Rough video

When communication among domains fails: Radegast, voice-to-text,
text-to-voice, Second Life, Alice bot, Snagit, mouse, keyboard,
voice. It's as if error were built into landings in untoward
and over charted territories - the result, continuous breakdowns
into sight, sound, visible presence, cpu, and so forth. I attempt
always to bring things into alignment; they disappear or stall.
There's no going anywhere with this which becomes a different
form of content. Finally, I stop well after Julu Twine stops.
There's nothing more to be said because there's nothing more to
the saying.

Julu Twine: From
Julu Twine: Scott is great
Julu Twine: thinking of this is going to work force is not going
to work all this now recorders or not reporters
Julu Twine: have got this
m*m*.m Floor/Roof/Wall: Touched.
Walking to ., ., .
Counldn't quite make it to [., ., .], now sitting
Finished walking  meters from destination
Julu Twine: the most
Julu Twine: known as
Julu Twine: can
Julu Twine: be an
Julu Twine: account of the whatnot
Julu Twine: and
Julu Twine: account of where Bonn
Julu Twine: and
Julu Twine: were Bonn whereby
Teleporting home...
Teleport complete
Teleport to Loading...
Teleport complete
Logged in as Julu Twine.
Julu Twine: Please leave
Julu Twine: your name and
Julu Twine: the U.N.
Julu Twine: Human
Julu Twine: F
Julu Twine: and then
Julu Twine: the
Julu Twine: novelist lawyers
Julu Twine: the
Julu Twine: U.N.
Julu Twine: Binary  May
Julu Twine: are you receiving a
Julu Twine: fiery say them and then are you receiving become an
Julu Twine: Ira saving many of them, and
Julu Twine: Yolanda system United Nations are you receiving a
fire inside them and then are you receiving become as saving
many of them save as many of them as possible
Julu Twine: save as many of them as possible
Julu Twine: are receiving the save as many of them as possible
Julu Twine: to save as many as possible
Julu Twine: the
Julu Twine: save as many of them as possible
Julu Twine: receiving are receiving a
Julu Twine: are receiving yourself
Julu Twine: out that's not the right course and that is
absolutely not the right question
Julu Twine: has not question that's not the right questions
Julu Twine: are
Julu Twine: are you receiving yourself
Julu Twine: yourself to
Julu Twine: come in come in
Julu Twine: come in come Julu Twine are you receiving yourself?
Julu Twine: an
Julu Twine: is someone else receiving you
Julu Twine: come in come in
Julu Twine: are you receiving yourself?
Julu Twine: testing on etwo three
Julu Twine: answer me
Julu Twine: come in
Julu Twine: come in
Julu Twine: are you receiving youself?
Julu Twine: dead the line is dead.
Julu Twine: anything you want add
Julu Twine: common comment
Julu Twine: testing one two three. anything you want to add
Julu Twine: I don't want to speak for you. Say something
Julu Twine: This is incontrovertible.
Julu Twine: You started off talking now you
Julu Twine: v've stopped
Julu Twine: have you something to say??????
Julu Twine: don't type, speak!
Alert message: There is no suitable surface to sit on, try
another spot.
Julu Twine: know this: say something!

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