Dear all,

The chicks learn the truth about Frog-o-Mighty's ice lolly machine.

A spine-tingling tale of world domination and drinks on sticks! New episodes weekly!

Latest episode:
To read the story so far:


PS - Alan Sondheim wrote to me asking for some background information about the 'Frog-o-Mighty and the Ice Lollies' series, because he was finding it 'very, very strange'; and when I replied to him he said I ought to out the reply online for the benefit of anyone else who might be interested; so here it is -

'I really don't think of it as strange, but I suppose that's because I've been living with the ideas for such a long time.

On our living-room window sill we've got a number of ornaments, including, at the right-hand end, a big pottery goose and two small pottery birds, which I think are meant to be quails; and at the left hand end, a bronze frog reclining on its back, next to a glass penguin. When my son Ray was little he used to play with the ornaments and get me to 'do voices' for them. Because the goose was big and the quails were small he naturally got the idea that the goose was the dad and they were his kids; the kids were always arguing with each other; and they wanted to go up to the other end of the window-sill and visit the frog, who Ray christened Frog-o-Mighty (I think he'd misheard the phrase God Almighty, and that's what the name was derived from).

Anyway, because the kids were always bickering, and the dad was always telling them to shut up, he'd come out with these phrases such as 'Put a sock in it!' to make them be quiet. Somehow Ray came up with this story where the two kids went to visit Frog-o-Mighty to take him these shutting-up phrases: he was collecting all the shutting-up phrases and putting them in a glass jar, for reasons unspecified, but something to do with an evil scheme to take over the world; and in return for the shutting-up phrases he would give the kids mints. But because he just lay on his back all the time, he had to get the penguin to do all the actual work. The kids had never actually seen Frog-o-Mighty in person, they always interacted with the Penguin, so they got curious and said they wanted to see him - and because Frog-o-Mighty didn't want to be seen, he told the Penguin to hypnotise them. So then the Dad had to come and rescue them.

This would have been about twenty years ago, when Ray was properly little. I thought it was such a wonderful story that I made a little animation in Flash out of it called Frog-o-Mighty - basically just moving the ornaments around on the window ledge and taking photographs of them, then adding voices and sound-effects. I got the idea for a sequel quite soon afterwards, but didn't get around to doing anything about it, mainly because it contained some stuff I couldn't work out how to animate. Then about a year ago I was writing a science fiction novel when my computer had a meltdown, and I lost virtually the whole of the novel. I didn't have the heart to go back and write it all again (although I may do it now that I'm over the heartache to some extent), so instead of that I suddenly thought I might do a graphic novel version of the Frog-o-Mighty sequel - and that's how Frog-o-Mighty and the Ice Lollies came about.

I don't know if that's an explanation of the story, really, but it explains a bit about where the characters and ideas come from.'

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