Here it is

And furthermore-

What the hell is all that he said?  Why its only the roe dear, the empty
field, the tractor tires with the rusting Harrow, the five barred gate
painted with creosote, the new barbed wire coiled by the wall, the view of
the distant lake, the small island with the trees, bushes and remains of
stone walls, the sheep paths, the mini bus with the party of walkers, some
drinking coke to alleviate motion sickness, the fat clouds, fat hills, red
mountain tops caused by old and dead Heather and bracken, the memory of
chalk boards squeaking, the print of a lake relating to a poet from late
1700s, the pipe tapping with the tobacco smelling nice to the children, the
lost homing pigeon, the school teacher's nice wife with glasses filling in
for John Ainsley and she read from the book about the nice mole and his
friend the rat who was probably a water vole, their first picnic, the big
electric clock, the wood, the guttering roof of slates, the low Wall, the
Ford across the river, the bridge etc. Then the old stories, the smithy,
hearth, welding tanks, rods, hooves, cars, chocolate bars, tinned catfood,
sherbet, coal, ironing, clean sheets pressed under layered blankets, red
doorsteps, such like etc etc again again then then then what and what?
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