Plane of Illumination VIDEO

(best watched with clear mind, in its entirety, 13'47")
(some flashing)

Bardo-plane production mechanism, self-impelled, curled upward
carrying hieroglyphs of unknown origin, spoken to us:

"A great roar of thunder will come from within the light, the
natural sound of dharmata, like a thousand thunderclaps
simultaneously. This is the natural sound of your own dharmata,
so do not be afraid or bewildered. You have what is called a
mental body of unconscious tendencies, you have no physical body
of flesh and blood, so whatever sounds, colors and rays of light
occur, they cannot hurt you and you cannot die. It is enough
simply to recognize them as your projections.  Know this to be
the bardo state." (Tibetan Book of the Dead, translation
Francesca Fremantle, Chogyam Trungpa.)

matter; and dependent arising supplies enough demons for them,
flick-ghosts, demons, uncanny events, Bardo Thodol, them, Rig
Veda X/129, etc. sidering the spaces of dreams, shamanic spaces,
functioned as the Bardo Thodol: GIGO and what happened to Baby
Jane, and Bridget Bardot who was always suspect or novices. I'd
see what glittered - take for example the Bardo - you goes down?
With Bardo Thodol, Tibertans recourse symbolic; Tibetan in
the Bardo Thodol, for there have been no major hurricane days,
and also his judgement "is your own." You fill out the
Bardo-plane with illusion and sensation. You fill out the
Bardo-plane, which is the Net, now traveller on the Bardo-plane,
that we have met the enemy, and he is the Bardo Thodol, the
writing into the Bardo-plane during a 49 day sojourn, consid-
ering the spaces of dreams, shamanic spaces, the Bardo plane,
always suspect or novices, I'd see what glittered - take for
example the Bardo - you in the Bardo Thodol, for there have been
no major hurricane days, and also hir judgement is your own, you
fill out the Bardo-plane with illusion and sensation, you fill
out the Bardo-plane, which is the Net traveller, we have met the
enemy, and he is wounded in the Bardo Thodol, for there have
this talk before the curtain goes down? With the Bardo Thodol,
the have met the enemy, and he is wounded in the Bardo Thodol,
for there have the Bardo Thodol, the Tibertans have recourse to
the symbolic; goes down? With Bardo Thodol, Tibertans recourse
symbolic; Tibetan the Bardo Thodol, the Tibetans have recourse
to the symbolic; ded in the Bardo Thodol, for there have been no
major hurricane days, and also his judgement is your own." You
fill out the Bardo-plane with illusion and sensation. You fill
out the Bardo-plane, which is the Net, now traveller on the
Bardo-plane, that we have met the enemy, and he is related to
writing into the Bardo-plane during a 49 day sojourn, the simply
to recognize them as your projections.  Know this to be the
bardo nor the mark of its own bardo-making and unmaking;
instead, it is a thing ation as one might want of bardo, which
is unrepresentable. one emerges 5mlls unimaginably, returning to
you from the dead from the bardo-pl ---------\^/ accumulate/g'
-------\./ satoris -----\./ bardo

nor the mark of its own bardo-making and unmaking; instead, it
is a thing, illumination as one might want of bardo, which is
unrepresentable. one emerges been no major hurricane days, nor
the mark of its own bardo-making and unmaking, instead, it is a
thing as one might want of bardo, which is from the bardo-plane,
hurt you and you cannot die, do not adopt bardo whispers dead
men and women hearing evil aum bardo more satoris ---^ lotus
life to lotus the ation as one might want of bardo, which is
unrepresentable. one emerges hand. delusion recorded illuminate
bardo-plane violations, desires murder, pleasure-organs swelling
ceases, intercourse sensation. bardo-plane, haunt catching cast
and we might want to look instead for bardo world generations,
nor the mark of its own bardo-making and unmaking; instead, it
is a thing filter with parameters: matter; rig veda aum bardo
more SATORIs ---^ lotus l abyss AHHH aum bardo more SATORIs ::
this autonomous-dependent-arising, this machinic-melange, this
wheel-gearing, these programs turned autonomous, speaking of
illumination, self-churning, worn, empathic -


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