Thank you for this, so many intersecting worlds, phenomena, gravity and
what passes for natural. I tend to work in disturbed landscapes as well,
running into the practico-inert (if I remember correctly); in a sense all
work today is (necessarily) concerned with impediment.

Opening towards meditation, again thank you -

On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 9:16 AM Johannes Birringer via NetBehaviour <> wrote:

> dear all,
> greetings, and sorry for having been quite for quite a while, adjusting to
> a few things after moving to the countryside.
> For those of you who've heard of ISEA or attended the annual ISEA events,
> well this year, it's held in the lovely city of Paris.
> [image: image.png]
> I decided not to attend the whole spectacle anymore, as it overwhelmed,
> irritated me last year in Barcelona. Some friends from Greece formed a
> panel, which took place yesterday and I participated virtually. Our panel
> was held at the Forum des Images and titled: "Networked Collaborative
> Performance: Frugal Strategies and Cultural Impact of Technology."  If
> you're interested in my 3-minute provocation (we were eight people and
> given very little time), I include the link to the video*.
> The overall approach of our panel was to raise questions and stimulate
> discussion of the frugal (i am not quite happy to speak of innovation here):
> "As open-source software and human-machine-interaction hardware become
> more accessible, more culturally diverse groups put them to artistic uses.
> However, collaboration across cultural and disciplinary borders poses a
> host of problems not just of technical but also of cultural communication.
> In this context, the proposed panel investigates the impact of internet
> collaboration with live coding and other live interaction technologies on
> culture and the new kinds of art forms that arise from it, especially under
> the perspective of frugal innovation, i.e. the combination of technical
> skills, DIY economy of means and an intuitive approach to technology. The
> premise that this panel ultimately intends to raise as a challenge, is that
> such work requires a global approach on the technical, organizational,
> social and cultural aspects in order to be sustainable..."
> *
> regards
> Johannes Birringer
> Interaktionslabor
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