Yes, I completely agree. It's so nice to hear somebody saying something sane and constructive, even if it seems almost ludicrous in the face of all the hatred and violence.


On 11/6/23 10:00 AM, Gretta Louw via NetBehaviour wrote:
This is a great list Alan. We must hold space for imagining paths to peace and coexistence no matter how fictitious they might currently seem.

On 6. Nov 2023, at 09:48, Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour < <>> wrote:

(apologies for so much posting recently, cutting back)

Thoughts on Israel/Palestine

0. Like everyone else, I've been ruminating more or less in
  despair at the situation in Israel/Palestine. Until my mother
  died, she was active in the Hadassah women's organization,
  and made many trips to the Mid-East and Europe, working on
  peace processes; I have many of her documents and some of her
  talks here. In any case, thinking about the situation,
  however naive I might be -

1. A two-state solution is absolutely necessary; nations need
  self-governance all the way around. There's no reason that
  the West Bank and Gaza cannot be united through physical and
  eletronic internetworking that would be able to respond
  quickly to crisis.

2. Israel must pull out of Gaza; what started as defense and
  retribution has turned into a massacre on the order of
  Dresden or the Warsaw ghetto. Beyond the politics there's an
  outdated issue of saving face which is increasingly deadly.

3. I believe that Israel still has nuclear weapons, and these
  should be off the table completely. A war of any sort in
  these small areas can escalate into annihilation: to the
  limit as I once wrote.

4. The hospital systems of Gaza and Israel should connect and
  the wounded of all parties should be able to receive
  immediate treatment.

5. Talks should begin on all of this, sidelining Netanyahu and
  Hamas; there should be no room for absolutism.

6. Jerusalem, in parts, should be an international city; there
  are a number of religions which are somewhat central there,
  and there should be no competition. It would be governed both
  as the capital of Israel and an important religious and
  political center for Arabs, Christians, and Jews.

7. I would keep in relation to 6, the ultra-orthodox out of all
  of this; their reasoning tends towards catastrophe, and, like
  Netanyahu, they have no interest in anything other, I think,
  than total annihilation of the Arabs. The same would hold for
  any other religion as well. I'd argue for the UN to control
  the temple mount, wailing wall, etc.

8. A great deal of all of this should center on the Jordan River
  which has been known for a long time to be in a contention
  that's damaging to everyone - instead there should be an
  international agency composed of all the countries involved,
  to find the best way to employ the water for agriculture and
  so forth. Likewise Israeli desalinization plants should be
  open to all. Articles I've read have indicated that this
  might well be sustainable.

9. Cross-cultural education should be offered to all and perhaps
  made mandatory; there are too many misrecognitions among
  peoples that are resulting in the growths of hatreds.
  Face-to-face peaceful encounters should be instituted;
  there's already much too much false information online on
  both side to result in anything other than a sense of
  absolute warfare and enemies.

10. In terms of #2, the pull-out should be an immediate priority
   and Israeli hospitals and other institutions should be open
   to receiving the wounded. In other words, there must be
   immediate steps taken, above all, to at least hint of a
   periphery of reconciliation and cooperation; the land-mass
   is too rugged, too alienating itself for anyone to prosper
   without cooperation.

11. Obviously there should be term limits on Israeli leaders;
   Netanyahu, who of course is corrupt, is going the way of all
   strong-men, caressing the state, consolidating power,
   ensuring his continuous re-election, and working with a
   vengeful and underlying militarism that affects everything.
   The fact that he listens to no one but himself in this
   catastrophe - which he is now both creating and continuing -
   indicates he has no desire for a peace process. I'm reminded
   of Pogo, "We have met the enemy and he is us" - and this is
   absolutely true in this situation, with perhaps the worst
   collateral damage the world has seen since World War II;
   again Dresden comes to mind.

12. There should be any number of "temporary" withdrawals on the
   Israeli side, to see if Hamas could be contained or even
   become part of the peace process. In other words, in order
   to give peace a chance, you need a space for peace, a space
   that would, at least for the moment, refuse recrimination in
   the interests of the families and cultural institutions
   caught up in the middle of all of this. (Remember John and
   Yoko's bed.)

13. I wonder if lessons might not be derived from Hiroshima in
   particular, a cultural backing-away, finding other paths to
   process what is happening and what has happened. I remember
   the long tradition of the Jewish Left in America, saw it
   work out, at least for a while, in New York city, and
   whether one might draw on that as well. We're on the brink
   of inconceivable horror, even worse than the current
   carpet-bombing and violent moving of populations from one
   place to another, what I called at one point "annihilation:
   to the limit." We live in a universal shtetl.

14. Finally, I'd even think of Thomas Merton, Liberation
   Theology, the world's calling for peace over and over again,
   so many protests, so much pain distributed everywhere, and
   see if it would be possible to at least begin the peace
   process. I cannot imagine what it must be like living in
   Gaza with continuous bombing, etc. - no sleep, no clean
   clothes, no shelter, and always in a resulting state of
   inconceivable anxiety and danger, sleeplessness and lack of
   medication, nowhere to go, constant contradictory orders,
   and people dying or wounded everywhere around you - in other
   words a phenomenological environment of pain, fear,
   exhaustion, hunger, illness. That should be absolutely

15. I know of course what I'm writing is a fiction, has no
   ultimate meaning in terms of performativity; it's something
   I've been thinking about for a lot time, way before August.
   A final note, the simplest thing - everyone involved should
   be talking, however where and when, with everyone involved.
   And more than anything, this should be within a safe space
   for listening as well.

- Alan


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