
Esperienza Gold Bullion is an unencrypted value fabric sub-technology based on 
this email (EGB~1).

It follows the novel validation basis called Proof-of-Experience using a "brick 
weave" design with a high degree of indeterminate or quantum variability and 
analog preference.  Four photographs and three watercolors of a 3D yellow 
watercolor on folded paper brick and circular image of the face stamped onto 
the brick are in a private collection.

The underlying principle of Esperienza Gold Bullion is the 
bridge-garment-experience hypothesis.  This new speculation asserts the Mona 
Lisa is an allegorical portrait of Esperienza, Italian for experience and 
experiment, personified by Leonardo in his writing notebooks as "the common 
mother of all the sciences and arts," "the interpreter between humans and 
nature," and "the one true maestra."  The bridge is the flow of the history of 
art, science, engineering, and technology, and the garment is the present form 
of their inhabited structure.  The figure points to the garment for emphasis 
(as in Leonardo's 1517-18 drawing A woman standing in a landscape RCIN 912581). 
 Proto-neuroscience of meditation, proprioception, interoceptive inference, and 
the Default Mode Network is utilized.

Precursor poet Dante wrote about esperienza in Paradiso I and II and elsewhere, 
not personified but with clear emphasis including "a cui esperienza grazia 
serba."  The Latin experientia was at the core of all meaning for Roger Bacon 
in 1267 and Nicolaus Cusanus in 1441 (as well as many others including the 
studiolo surrounding Giorgione's La Tempesta of 1506, its bridge being 
contemporaneous to La Joconde).  In 1873 (2023 minus 150) Walter Pater said of 
La Gioconda, the most known human visual image today, "all the thoughts and 
experience of the world have etched and moulded there" and "The fancy of a 
perpetual life, sweeping together ten thousand experiences, is an old one; and 
modern thought has conceived the idea of humanity as wrought upon by, and 
summing up in itself, all modes of thought and life. Certainly Lady Lisa might 
stand as the embodiment of the old fancy, the symbol of the modern idea."

Leonardo wrote alongside his double-helical torus drawing of 1490 in the Codex 
Atlanticus 520r: "Body born of the perspective of Leonardo Vinci, disciple of 
experience.  This body should be made not of examples from other bodies but 
only with simple lines."  Montaigne, in his final essay "On Experience" (tr. 
Cotton 1686) quoted Manilius "By various trials experience created art, example 
shewing the way."  William Blake etched and wrote in All Religions Are One, 
1788, using his new printing technology, after completing The Approach of Doom, 
1787, that:

As the true method
of knowledge
is experiment
the true faculty
of knowing must
be the faculty which
experiences. This
faculty I treat of.

Esperienza Gold Bullion's origin is the blog titled "The Mindful Mona Lisa" 
about these topics, prompted by Italo Calvino's Six Memos for the Next 
Millennium (1985).  The blog outlines how the modernity designed by Dante and 
Leonardo (rooted in science, nature, art, sustainability, and cooperation) may 
inoculate the present from the virulent counter-vision of modernity composed by 
Machiavelli (based on weapons, force, deception, cruelty, death, and 
domination).  As Hamilton quoted Hume in The Federalist No. 85 (also 1788) "The 
judgments of many must unite in the work; experience must guide their labor; 
time must bring it to perfection, and the feeling of inconveniences must 
correct the mistakes which they INEVITABLY fall into in their first trials and 

In 1502, one year before he started painting the Mona Lisa (Esperienza), 
Leonardo designed a bridge for Bayezid II to span the Bosphorus at the Golden 
Horn estuary as the largest bridge extant (see Paris Manuscript L, Folio 65v).


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