Auto/gnomic Bio

Your arms runs into my scheduled. So I had a video call with him
and I worked and talked:It was too hot and they're worth_Storm
schedule. Thunderstorm:1:I had an appointment with the doctor
today. I didn't want to go in.:scheduled. So I had a video call
with him and I worked and talked - turning me clausterphobic

to some extent my brother understood me but none of my family,
not after the debacle of the acker films at the whitney, made
any attempt to engage me with what i was doing, lived in my head
joined the american forestry association played with model
trucks and stuff read under the covers caught at 3 am in the
morning my father yelling at me again he was screaming at me at
my daughters wedding they wouldn't give me a ride to the place,
my family crashed down around me, i always sensed emotional
violence, i didn't know how to relate to anyone, always fearful
dancing on mean streets thanks Gerald Jones who passed on
miserably in hospital i gathered in his own , i'm not a good
person learned that at an early age :i was never physically
abused but knew to my core i was worthless throwaway, in the
family nincompoop and wastrel my kept silent the other two
mocking and or furious what i remember i couldn't do anything
right fidgeting constantly working myself up running to the
historical society went to a ham radio meeting was told to stop
fidgeting in camp the head told me i'd be dead at 25 if i didn't
slow up always i went to extremes didn't know how to behave you
want more?:around the table i tended to leave when my father
lost his temper, ran back into the bedroom, slammed the door,
came out, left the house, slammed the door walked a while came
back in shaking sometimes cold out there my sister the perfect
one my brother maybe not there yet not eating soup:arguments
around the dinner table, he never hit me but the verbal
screaming broke me down fast when he returned from wwii and i
know: i shouldn't have been there - when he returned - anytime
at all - always :fear constantly of everything

Come home with me, to some extent my brother understood me but
none of my family, not after the debacle of the acker films at
the whitney, made any attempt to engage me with what i was
doing, lived in my head joined the american forestry association
played with model trucks and stuff read under the covers caught
at 3 am in the morning my father yelling at me again he was
screaming at me at my daughters wedding they wouldn't give me a
ride to the place, my family crashed down around me, i always
sensed emotional violence, i didn't know how to relate to
anyone, always fearful dancing on mean streets thanks Gerald
Jones who passed on miserably in hospital i gathered in his own
, i'm not a good person learned that at an early age ,
julu-of-the-fast-crowd! Your clean i know deep down i can do
anything but be destructive and to other people and then think
maybe that's not true, is in my taut Azure's helped me
enormously, i'd be nowhere without her

Your giving :Think this through...::being runs me hiking your
cloth!:My print "Ah...\n"; is yours... is in my rich My is
yours... my rich dependent on them couldn't at all one year
made 40k my best... debacle in Tasmania... Atlanta best...

Your withdrawn You program your carapace forever... is in my
walked scheduled. So I had a video call with him and I worked
and talked:It was too hot and they're worth_Storm schedule.
Thunderstorm:1:I had an appointment with the doctor today. I
didn't want to go in.:scheduled. So I had a video call with him
and I worked and talked

Pennsylvanian Despairing
Depths:yes:2:Strange-Place:Pennsylvanian Despairing Depths

Your psychotic other other people. I'm tired of being inserted
between one is in my on person and another person between a
person on the left and the person on the right not-me a writer

I want to put my body into the code I want the load of my body
to ::Wed, 24 Mar 2021 17:11:09 -0400:person and another person
between a person on the left and the :person on the right
between the person above and a person below

Your withdrawn ... my shoes is For 1 found days, I have been
neurotic programmed ... here, it's my shoes? is in my walked
or walking nowhere, whatever, whatthen, whatever


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