universe no sound sound

https://youtu.be/u_PsCoI0O-E video

listening to the universe no sound, cosmic murmuration,
listening to the sound reverberating from the 90 year old
sarangi with, as far as one know, original strings, almost
ropes, difficult to play, one lets the instrument play itself,
vocalize, a darker urgent voice, a voice of breathing, the bow
follows the commands of this instrument, not that of the player,
the sounds are those which the instrument desires, speaks from,
speaks with, so much history, pain, the ending of breathing for
all of us, the beginning of the cosmos, this is what has always
been heard, remnants of raga and rasa, not even that, the
eruption of noise, speaking from the earth's grit, i listen but
i listen away, i turn away from the sound, the sound continues,
the universe is on its own, has always been on its own, more and
more the inconceivable is inconceivable, layer after layer of
illuminated darkness, scatterings, we are utterly a line to
ourselves, hubris to even consider comprehension, measurements
here and there, nothing coheres for long, languor, what
particles, what waves, what particulates, what waves of
particles, particles, of waves, what particulates of particles,
what what what what, this piece which took so much out of me,
neither better nor worse for it, an internal frame for
presuppositions, nothing escapes, trauma is inconceivably flat,
what's heard or scene is less than any of the imperceptible, now
this is the sound of wood, metal, leather, hair, this split
split moment of the organic and inorganic, diminution,
unplacement, unregarding, alan dojoji swaying, thinking,
non-existent, thinned, intervals everywhere, breathing nothing,
neti neti, Dismay - the propping up of the head by the hands,
elbows on the table, an


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