The Argh! O Naught! video


There has always been war as an imminent settling of dispute,
without the necessity of disputation. Everyone knows Konrad
Lorenz's analysis of animal avoidive behaviors, as well as the
propensity of humans to extend their reach far beyond the
visible. In this way the world is worked out, given a working,
and so far, for most occasions, there are other humans to pick
up and recycle the debris. Certainly a change is in order, as
the bulk of debris increases, along with temperature, food and
water scarcity, and population. This has all the trappings of
the perfect storm; unfortunately no one may well survive to see
the fire next time.

1:39AM to me

I must turn in, I must turn inside out, I must devour myself, I
must sit still, I must sell some must. I must said in my place.
I must said, I have no place to sit and that is the place I must
sit.  , I must close my eyes and beckoned all of the letters of
all of the alphabets and all of the sounds and all of the world
to come together, I must turn all of the sounds and all of the
alphabets and all of the letters and all of the worlds into the.
Spark, and to the spark. They must turn into the spark. That
dolls and to the spark that emerged.  Into the spark that
embers, it goes no farther than that. Because no farther than
the ember, the embers continue the Zimmerman. It is a murmuring
of the numbers that we hear When We stop hearing period Where is
the motion or the moment?  That sets the data upon itself. That
sets the day upon the night. The day that devours the night as
if all were clear period nothing is clear and nothing is clear
and nothing is absolutely period in the day. There is nothing
but gambling in the night. There is nothing but truth period

Where does one continue past second tenuation?  Period I know
now that I am closer to death than I would be period I know this
sickness is upon me period I know the sickness trembles my skin
and my limbs trembles my tissues trembles my organs of sensation
of sight, odivision of hearing of listen, egg period to listen
to Here.  To listen is to say to see is to hear to see us
division period. I am placing my voice where I can no longer
hear me period I am placing my voice where you can no longer
hear me period I am placing my voice where I can no longer hear
you period you can no longer hear you period where I am placing
my voice. There is silence period we're employees. There is
space.  And there is only space and there is absence and there
is only the absence of absence where I am placing space
period... What can be said when I turn in question mark when I
turn in? There is nothing but exploitation period imprecation
period obfuscation period when I turn in and where I turn in
there is catastrophe period there is default catastrophe period
there is always the fold catastrophe period We fall off into the
lake period we fall off into the lake that is always and already
dry period.. Nothing goes further period nothing goes further
than this period it's the curla cure, it's the curlicue or the
sick a tricks. It's the symmetrics of the body. It's The Matrix
of the psychiatrics period it seems to be delivering a sign but
there is no sign period there is fog. There is always fog period
the fog is a sign and the sign is fog.  Period if you don't
believe me, talk to me when I am sleeping. The depths of COVID
period in the depths of the darkness of sleep without
retaliation without recognition without retention without
refrenchman period I will leave you now period Period I will
already always have left you now period to leave. An hour is to
be left period to be left to be left period to be rough to sleep
broken period my periods are broken and to leave you to hell. I
become whole again period I become one again period I become
many period


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