lungatar shakatar

You see, in the lungatar, we have the final version; both bodies find
themselves incapable of touch; they remain apart, even in the fondest
caress. This requires considerable training on the part of the bodies and
their assignments to respective polygon multiplicities. Such flesh is
capable of clear training and retraining, once the palsy is captured, as
the shakatar, early stage of lungatar, indicates. 20 meg but worth it 6.6 meg but worth it

...cases of the almost-presence of ghost-avatars, ghastatars - ectoplasm,
poltergeists--interactions of the Other World with our own--in which the
Spirit in actually and embodiments affects the very physical being of
material objects, perhaps even one's consciousness...

But if there is, indeed, Cosmic Consciousness, to what extent does Spirit
relate in Spirits, much as Being relates in Beings within our own world?
And what are the expectations of Relation, beyond obvious parallelism?
Does Spirit touch Spirit? And for that matter, in our world, does Being
ever really touch Being?


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