>....01|The true world.       \423920058927272358568/
>....02|                       |0049382826161653382/\
>....03|                       |0205005932772374589/ |
>....04|I wouldn't have been wri\45663232360759009/tt\ng here, the equivalent
>....05|thought at this moment, p\774484227894478/o, t\e screen is
>....06|absent, ascii is natural \16935327994236|i is |\ot natural crystal,
>....07|assembly language is natu|9896231245743/. If as^embly language is not
>....08|crystal, then machine lang\35621156865/ral cryst\l. I would say the
>....09|true world every signifier \4555673227\d, and every sign is true.
>....10|                            |299583881|
>....11|Every signifier is hard-wire\362580634\signifier has hard-substrate
>....12|in the true world, then in t/\07002441||. Every sign is true, how can
>....13|sign be false?, signs are t/u\88452245||rue world, there is no other.
>....14|                          /  |0199300/ \
>....15|Every world is virtual wor|d, \46217/ree^ reflects the virtual
>....16|screen, is clear, reflect/ve. \35145|al worlds are screened for
>....17|world, they are screened for t|34458| signs, there are signs for
>....18|worlds which are signs in true/2421/lds, virtual worlds are true...
>....19|                              |3992|
>....20|There are judgments in the tr/83426\ld. The judges in the true world
>....21|are splits and splinters. On/|15725|rue world parents another, and
>....22|this is the way of true wor/d\35214|his splintering or netting, each
>....23|successor or antecedent, d|sc|\0948\ or ancestor, each simultaneous
>....24|true world which is the w'rld \2684|\rue worlds parenting and so on.
>....25|                              /1458| \_
>....26|I sit here and I am in the sam|4501|d, true world, and you are in
>....27|true world, and your world spl/|53/nd my world splits, and we are
>....28|in the true world of parentin/ \35|e worlds and simultaneous.
>....29|                           _^  \2/
>....30|We are always gathered toge/her|9|the true world, we are
>....31|the true world, we are skein an\3/embrane, warp of woof of the true,
>....32|which is gatherings of gatherin\| of our gatherings and of truth.
>....33|                                |
>....49|Natural crystal is already trans/\ent, if not now, when? One replies
>....50|tinuously in the course, among /h^ courses, of gatherings of truth.
>....51|                              /|  \
>....52|One might ask, why are there /h^ng|\, why are there things here, as
>....53|a longer time, as if things |e|e l^k| higher languages, as if both
>....54|the true world, as if gatheri/\s were sets or collocations of the
>....55|always thinging? For this is/th| question, how logic appears, that
>....56|it makes appearance, how it^app|ars to us. And one might reply,
>....57|the result of potential wells, \s if the real, the true world, were
>....58|obdurate, which it is not. The |ire next time is the plasma,
>....59|the plasma after, it is the vir\ual particle and its gatherings are
>....60|true world.                     \
>....61|                                 ^
>....62|Every thing that is appearance, every symbol that appears within the
>....63|entire well of things, are gatherings. Every hard-wiring is
>....64|made. Every gathering is a party, every party is a gathering,
>....65|and parenteds, every symbolic formation becomes a letting go,
>....66|every releasing a vanishing, every vanishing a gathering. The true
>....67|is a vanishing, the screen is a releasing, a collapsed potential

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