the clucking beat and whispering tone
like polished ivory - woolly and slimy
with curly lilac crescents and obsidian balls
aquamarine balls and turqoise crescents
and musty clucking beat checkered balls
minty and fetid in fragrance crescents

On 17/10/2007, "karen blissett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>*Choose 4 words from each category & create an understandable sentence out
>them - flux'em!
>Remember, it is not perfection that offers reward here, but rather the
>experience of negotiating words that one would not normally place together
>in an everyday context - Good luck, Karen:-)
>   ringing  cheeping  gasping smashing  piercing peeping  whooping  tinkling
>raucous chattering crooning bellowing  sobbing bumping snarling  growling
>pitch crying   thumping  burping croaking clattering  yapping  keening
>splashing  yelping  rustling volume  squealing howling  barking sniveling
>moaning pealing  tone  rattling  grunting clanging coughing quacking whining
>gagging  fizzing wheezing honking  hissing bawling trumpeting  swishing
>sneezing  rumbling bubbling ripping cooing  chirping shouting  shuffling
>tearing  popping roaring   thunderous scratching snorting crashing crunching
>cackling  tolling  clucking silent tapping soothing crowing  tranquil
>melodious cacophonous singing quiet tune  loud tinkling noisy rhythmic
>mumbling twittering  din beat blaring cawing racket chattering  murmuring
>whistling clapping booming whispering mewing  snapping snoring yelling
>mooing crackling sighing
>  pressed damp fluted tickling sculptured dry  knobbed raw corugated downy
>chapped scratchy  dirty grimy sopping itching abrasive dusty  scaled rasping
>prickly clammy pulpy kiss  scarred glossy wet pocked tweedy matte  moist
>woolly hard foamy dank patina  gripped burning hairy soft cottony scorching
>furry bumpy rocking cushioned fluffy searing  fuzzy boiling sheer sheen
>scalding stinging  sandy warm shiny polished hot engraved  gritty inlaid
>soapy bubbly grooved cool  glassy ivory biting sharp rutted piercing  silky
>numbing velvety smooth freezing steely  keen icy corduroy grainy cold
>metallic  fine waxy coarse greasy  curdled slimy  splintered lacy tangled
>spiky slippery creamy  matted slick shaggy bushy fiery stubbly
>  red saffron bright dark scarlet gold  dull light carnelian silver rose
>chocolate  crimson chrome lilac sienna salmon lime  copper vermilion yellow
>bronze avocado coral  primrose pale purple lemon canary violet  ashed cerise
>gamboge ruddy mahogany topaz  blue amber ebony flushed maroon amethyst
>crystalline cyan navy wine white poppy  cobalt burgundy olive fuchsia
>turquoise claret  drab chartreuse orchid brillant clear black  obsidian
>transparent khaki opaque translucent lavender  glassy  jet gay rust carmine
>sapphire  dun cordovan indigo milky tan grizzly  ocher flesh buff brindle
>umber peach  mustard ultramarine snowy chestnut green smoky  sepia mint
>brass walnut pearl aqua  ruby emerald twinkling bistre sooty shimmering
>jade plum charcoal maize lake irridescent  garnet slate spruce puce magenta
>sable  pearly aquamarine ivory henna citrine onyx  azure cream orange pink
>  perfumed lilac earthy stinking fetid loamy  lemon scent odor fragrance
>sweaty sharp  rose lime rotten biting pungent musty  plastic acrid flowery
>fishy mildewed spicy  acid moldy doggy nauseating redolent skunky  dirty
>sweet tart minty moist putrid  sour fresh musty spoiled
>  round  parallel narrow reticulated crested wide  flat spherical globe
>rounded shallow drooping  erect dappled rolling orb hemisphere ball  shapely
>checkered adjacent curved pied concentric  triangle sharp short depressed
>swollen long  concave pyramid cone convex streamlined sunken  square
>diagonal contoured protruding banded terrain  horizontal rectangle cube
>vertical aquiline veined  cylinder depth disc palmate box width  plate
>pinnate spiked thread height arc  ellipticl length worm-like crowned cupped
>serpentine  girth crescent pentagon breadth sinuous baggy  tight winding
>spotted oval hexagon octagon  tetrahedral  solid lanky corkscrew helix curly
>frail polyhedron trapezoid thin fat crystalline  fanned oval pointed plump
>ovate ellipsoidal

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