standing inside  the machine,
  looking out, looking in. standing with    the machine,
                             what can i give?
standing without the machine,
  what will i get?
                           __displaced by   the machine,
  the figure?
  what/which?                neither/nor?
    alienation by              alienation by
      alienation by              alienation by
    how very interesting,        agency wages,
                                   not very interesting.
|_       _
 academy  : cadence |_       _
                     phased   : institution
  |_       _
   social   : oscillation |_       _
                           cycle    : target
  i am ridiculous as is
       i'm naive as is
              my __>>>***" Art "***<<<__
                 my dreams
                    all worthless
                        for generating finances
                              TO LIVE

On 6/4/2008, "anna paola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>stand by the machine and give
>  to help  depressionin dismiss the figure satire the phantasy dismiss the
>satire with all phantasy true blue is displaced academy dismiss the figure
>satire the figure
>2008/4/6, james jwm-art net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> "Graduates who take stop-gap jobs after leaving university can get so
>> depressed by the boredom of their work that they damage their proper
>> career chances, according to research.
>> "They would be better off staying on the dole, the study says. After
>> nine months of low-grade work, graduates were more distressed, less
>> motivated and more likely to fall into depression than those who were
>> unemployed.
>> -----------------------
>> stop gap jobs jobs ms jobs, steve, dave, john, jobs, gap, stop jobs stop
>> rob gap jobs gaping jobs market whole market jobs dave constable steve
>> jobs gap rob entirely jobs depression moulding shop mould o-ring
>> neoprene sillicon o-ring cure 10% cure, RGBA, cycle time aphex, RGBA,
>> alpha delta quadrant.
>> silly con, o-ring, neoprene, o-ring o-ring, neoprene, afphexanol, amphex,
>> o-ring, new prene, new cats prening o-ring, killing, delta quadrant
>> depression.
>> depression boredom, boredom, lack of ambition iams bitchin'.
>> stop jabs jobs belta dodrant, hep-b jab, boredom fall into impressionism.
>> unemployed steve and dave -DHAVE_NO_JOBS steve polymer jobs acrylic
>> gophermer. clinical waste colour migration: yellow >> orange. steal jobs
>> market, calamity deformity, stand by the machine and push the bags in.
>> stand by the machine and pull the moulds out. stand by the machine and
>> fill the bags up. stand by the machine and forget everything.
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