UpgradeMTL presents:
The IBA (Imaginary Border Academy) cordially invite you and a guest to the 
following workshops hosted by visiting IBA members from Belgrade, Berlin, 
Boston, Bristol, Budapest, Helsinki, Montreal, Stockholm, and Warsaw.

Thursday (3-6pm) The Visa Wait and Walk Tour

Friday (3-6pm) Diplomatic Service discussion event / seminar

Saturday (3-6pm) Field Reports and Performative Gestures

Sunday (2pm-4pm) TransEuropean Fence Climbing Summit 2008

The workshops are to start each day at the Cultural Centre "CK" (Bul. Ilinden 
38, 1000 Skopje), as part of the Third International Upgrade Gathering: Chain 

More information on the IBA’s wiki via:

Accustoming Canadians to Sublimation, Cultural Centre "CK", as part of the 
Third International Upgrade Gathering: Chain Reaction (Skopje)

Anik Fournier & Sophie Le-Phat Ho (Montreal)
Introduction to the workshops series, parallel events, wikis, reader & 
installation, as part of the Accustoming Canadians to Sublimation project by 
the Imaginary Border Academy and presented by Upgrade Montreal.

Savic' Rašovic' a.k.a Pirun (Boston)
Reporting from http://www.konzulatsfrj.com/, the consulate of SFRJ (former 
Yugoslavia), in Tivat (Montenegro). Every year, on the 25 of May, thousands 
gather from all over to receive the passports of a country that does not 

Ana Valdés (Stockholm)
Borders, prisons, walls and fences are now the common grounds in a world where 
panopticums and control towers rule. From Spain to Palestine, a cavalcade 
through illegal refugee camps, jails and activists networks, an alternative 
geography and an alternative lifestyle.

Vladan Jeremic & Rena Raedle (Belgrade)
A multimedia presentation on cultural and political activism in Belgrade, 
including new initiatives and open space for interventions; the local political 
context in Serbia and relations to wider contexts; conditions of work and 
possible ways to continue..?

Diplomatic Service discussion event / seminar, Andrew Gryf Paterson (Helsinki)
(Parallel event with Kitchen Budapest media lab, Budapest)

Contributing to the Imaginary Border Academy workshop, this seminar will 
explore further the concept of a 'special embassy'. This seminar will happen 
between persons present in both Skopje and Budapest venues, including Kitchen 
Budapest researchers. We will investigate, via participatory exercises and 
short presentations together, the types of diplomatic services an embassy for 
autonomous and mobile groups could offer to those who interface with it. The 
results of the seminar period will contribute to the dedicated 'special 
embassy' wiki.

Andrew is currently researcher-in-residence at Kitchen Budapest media lab, 
exploring this subject in question. He will spend one month researching the 
conceptual and historical elements of bilateral embassy missions, for example, 
the history of diplomatic network relations, ambassador roles, functions of 
embassies and foreign office, and the diplomatic services they offer. 
Benefiting from the environment of a lab which focuses on experimental 
interaction design, media art and technology, he will also consider the above 
topic in relation to open source activism, and networked and mobile platforms.

http://www.specialembassy.info/ http://kitchenbudapest.hu/

The Visa Wait and Walk Tour, Farida Heuck (Berlin)
(Parallel walk between Berlin and Skopje)

The immigration control system is changing and migrants are divided along 
economic and demographic policy interests. That becomes obvious when one takes 
a closer look at which institutions are involved in issuing visas. In Berlin, 
for example, there is the newly set up Business Immigration Service of the 
German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, which aims to ease the immigration of 
foreign entrepreneurs and specialized professionals. The job centers are also 
playing bigger roles in whether someone gets a visa or not. And there are still 
the well known institutions issuing visas, like the Ministry of Foreign 
Affairs. On my walk through various institutions, I am interested in seeing how 
the strategy of blocking, and controlling, recruitment will already appear in 
the buildings. The walk will also take place in Skopje where the institutions 
involved in issuing Schengen Visas are haunted. Come and join the Skopje Visa 
Wait and Walk Tour!

TransEuropean Fence Climbing Summit 2008, Kayle Brandon & Heath Bunting 
(Parallel event with Passengers 2008 by the InSitu Foundation, Warsaw)

Synchronise watches and prepare for a unified hand and foot transeuropean fence 
climbing tour. Become physically engaged with fences, barriers, walls and all 
infrastructure designed to bounder space. The summit is a celebration and an 
action study of barrier fabric. As a stranger or lover to climbing take too it; 
climb alone or with a group, mark out route or just drift. The intention is not 
to overwhelm and penetrate the boundary but to surface, traverse, scale and 
ascend it. As one hand takes hold of a fence in Warsaw, a foot will lift a body 
onto a wall in Budapest, a person will get to the top in Skopje and a hand will 
reach for the next hold in Berlin....

In the evening at 8pm (CET), consider joining in on a mass online post climb 

For more info please see: http://irational.org/fence/

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