have grown shy as to lists but ..

it helps me to see that we are sharing like this....as it saddens me to
see shared pain and distress like this

my holidays were also quiet and with a small group of friends and family

a dear friend passed away right after christmas suddenly ...some of my
relatives are out of jobs and my father who recently retired has lost half
of his retirement in the economic collapse....

I can only graze the news now as it is too painful for me to go in depth
much of the time...and this goes against my core ......

The thought of a new president at least brings some hope but the morass he
inherits is mind boggling and this will put unbelievable pressure on....

well...at least gas is cheaper......

and this sharing of voices helps too...at least for me.....

for what it is worth...happy new year to all


> At least in this Brooklyn end of the woods, it's been a depressing holiday
> season. The transforations that Bush made, he also rode - they're infra-
> strutural, and not likely to be resolved by any presidency. Case in point
> - "clean" coal, the TVA, recent catastrophe. The USuses 25% the world's
> energy - this isn't going to change under any presidency - and this comes
> from coal. To build a new power grid would cost billions and we're in
> debt. West Virginia as you know is being destroyed - as of a year ago, the
> last I have stats for - something like 423 mountains were mountain-topped,
> destroying an ecology that's second to the tropics in diversity, and of
> course destroying small towns and homesteads as well. If you look at poli-
> tics, it's the same mess - the holocaust in the mideast isn't likely to
> resolve for decades, if at all. Etc. etc. There doesn't seem to be any
> place for national or geopolitical joy; even on a personal level, so many
> people are suffering for lack of health care - our next door neighbor
> probably has severe prostrate cancer and has no insurance - he's found a
> hospital to test him, but they put off the tests for months, not untyp-
> ical here, and now his blood pressure is through the roof. He's an artist
> just about 60. I'm lucky with medicate and my father paying the supple-
> mental - I couldn't survive without that. So the world appears, not better
> or worse, but grey. The one bright spot is that Obama seems to be able to
> both listen and speak coherently - we're not likelly to have a cabal
> running things without input from the rest of us.
> So we had as most people did we know, a very quiet holiday season with
> good friends and we're thankful for that. And Azure years ago found a
> forlorn dying Christmas tree in a pot at a store here - which has since
> blossomed, even indoors, into a beautiful pine. So we're helping keep
> something alive, and that is a real gift. And our cat is healthy...
> Take care, Alan
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