Hi Marc,

Thank you for your response to my own propositions for Ada Lovelace Day.
Even though, as you mention the external links to the Laura Lee article
about Sadie Plant's publication 'Zeros + Ones, Digital Women + The New
Technoculture', are dead now. I found the text that Laura wrote extremely
interesting as valuable context, especially these words "Viewing the world
as a system of all-inclusive interconnectivity, "what were once isolated
words, numbers, music, shapes, smells, tactile textures, architectures
(Plant, 12)" are now threaded together by their material essences. "The yarn
is neither metaphorical nor literal, but quite simply material." Plant
suggests that the world becomes one immersive reality in which all things
relate in a structure that does not denote one thing as less important than
another. Perceiving the world as a network, each part can dismantle the
whole structure, like a removing a string from a woven blanket. When we surf
the web, we transgress through multiple texts and perspectives, digital
images and architectures that form our cohesiveness of the cyberworld as a
whole. Any missing link can change the whole structure." I think that Sadie
is an important individual for media art culture generally, and she just so
happens to be female, although a decent one and also beautiful writer.

Also, I am glad that you brought up Francesca da Rimini's other work with
VNS Matrix. They started in 1991, wow - time has moved on...

I do have a question!

Is it OK if there are repeats, if people choose the same women will they
still be seen in the final document?

karen x_-

Da Femme-Rulez ;-)

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    Hi Karen,

    Thanks for sharing your Ada Lovelace Day suggestions and I'm looking
    forward to reading all the other selections still to come by others on
    this list.

    The Laura Lee text is fascinating in its own right, unfortunately many
    of the links on her review page referencing different aspects about Ada
    Lovelace do not work anymore, which is a shame.

    It was a pleasure to re-explore Francesca da Rimini's work again. I
    especially remember VNS Matrix which Francesca da Rimini was part of,
    founded in 1991. The other members were Josephine Starrs, Julianne
    Pierce and Virginia Barratt. On wikipedia it mentions that they were the
    first to use the term 'cyberfeminism', not sure if it is true or if such
    a claim really matters, but VNS Matrix did some excellent work and not
    all of it can be seen on-line anymore. Here is a biography -

    Dollspace, which Da Rimini was also part of is still a great net art
    piece. I love its edgyness - http://dollyoko.thing.net//title.htm

    wishing you well.


     > Hello everyone,
     > I must say, I am quite excited about this opportunity to promote
    those women who have inspired me, changed the world in their own special
    ways 'bringing women in technology to the fore' is a great idea. Also,
    it could not of come at a better time, in light of all the nasty things
    happening in the world.
     > Anyway - I am sticking to Ruth's example/format, it seems easier.
    Especially if the furtherfield crew are going to compile all of this
     > MY NAME: Karen Blissett.
     > Sadie Plant - I love her work, especially 'Zeros + Ones, Digital
    Women + The New Technoculture'. "Sadie Plant introduces Ada Lovelace as
    a woman whose awareness of peripheries, of indices, headings, prefaces,
    etc. gave her a new way of perceiving reality. In her footnoted,
    non-fictional texts, these peripheral details were crucial in
    contextualizing the texts in historical and social reality." Laura Lee.
    Laura's review on the book
     > Francesca da Rimini - I have always enjoyed Francesca's net art work
    as well as her other works/collaborations to do with networked culture.
    Francesca da Rimini, aka GashGirl, (Adelaide/Rome) has been working in
    the field of new media since 1984 as an arts manager, curator, corporate
    geisha girl, cyberfeminist, puppet mistress and ghost. One of the
    original members of VNS Matrix, the Australian cyberfeminism group
    formed in 1991. Worked in New York on a project in collaboration with
    Michael Grimm, snafu and Ricardo Dominguez, los dias y las noches del
    muertos, and with Ricardo Dominguez on hauntings. Squandered hours
    investigating the artistic and erotic potential of negotiated email
    relationships, online virtual communities and web-based narrative
    architectures that have been reverse engineered into multiple
     > Ruth Catlow - I know, but she's cool. And has been incredible in
    supporting other emerging artists as well as maintaining in still making
    interesting and challenging artwork with technology. One project springs
    to mind - 'Rethinking Wargames', a participative net art project
    instigated by Ruth Catlow of  which calls for 'pawns to join forces to
    defend world peace'. It uses the game of chess to find strategies that
    challenge existing power structures and their concomitant war
    machineries. http://www.low-fi.org.uk/rethinkingwargames/
     > Hope Kurtz (1959–2004) - Such a talent . I remember seeing Hope
    perform in Amsterdam in 95 or 96, at the Next Five Minutes Conference -
    I was mesmerized by her articulation and excellent performance presence,
    and imaginitive intelligence. Hope "worked behind the scenes of the CAE
    collective by contributing to the conceptual basis for their work. It is
    through her brilliant editing that their work articulates challenging
    concepts to a multifarious audience—many of whom might not otherwise
    come into contact with such radical thought. The Ensemble collectively
    authored several books including Electronic Civil Disobedience and other
    unpopular Ideas..."
     > The Critical Art Ensemble site - http://www.critical-art.net/
     > That's it for now. will be back with more.
     > karen
     > On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Ruth Catlow
    <ruth.cat...@furtherfield.org> wrote:
     >     Hi Netbehaviourists,
     >     In support of Ada Lovelace Day (highlighted by Marc and discussed
     >     couple of weeks back) we are inviting all women who work in media
     >     and net art, who are not already subscribed, to join the
     >     email list for a week between 23rd and 30th March.
     >     We are asking them to squat the list for a week (of course we
     >     they'll stick around for longer:) and tell us about their work
    and that
     >     of other women who have inspired them in their own practice.
     >     This is not a separatist excercise; we want to hear from all of
    you so
     >     don't hold back.
     >     Posts are welcome in any length, format and frequency and we are
     >     worrying about repeats or gaps. The following is offered as an
     >     ====================
     >     MY NAME: Ruth Catlow
     >     URL: http://www.furtherfield.org/display_user.php?ID=14
     >     INSPIRED BY:
     >     Ele Carpenter - http://www.elecarpenter.org.uk/ for tech inspired
     >     facilitated participation with Open Source Embroidery, her
     >     project exploring artists practice that explores the relationship
     >     between programming for embroidery and computing.
     >     Auriea Harvey - for her part with Entropy8Zuper in early intimate
     >     networked performances http://entropy8zuper.org/wirefire and for
     >     Forest, Tale of Tales's bucolic social screensaver
     >     http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest
     >     Mary Flanagan - for her energetic explorations as academic,
     >     artist and programmer at the intersection of games, art and
     >     and exploring collaborative approaches to thinking about values
     >     http://www.valuesatplay.org/
     >     ==============================
     >     At the end of the week we will collate all of the posts in the
     >     and feature them on Furtherfield.org.
     >     With all best wishes from
     >     Ruth and the Furtherfield crew
     >     ==========================
     >     *Ada Lovelace Day -bringing women in technology to the fore
     >     http://findingada.com/blog/2009/01/05/ada-lovelace-day/
     >     sign a pledge to blog about inspirational women in tech on 24th
     >     Furtherfield.org http://furtherfield.org
     >     _______________________________________________
     >     NetBehaviour mailing list
     >     NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
     >     http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
     > _______________________________________________
     > NetBehaviour mailing list
     > NetBehaviour@netbehaviour.org
     > http://www.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

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