/////////////////1º Workshop of the Common Body Workgroup///////////////////
place: Medialab-Prado. Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 · Madrid

Saturday May 9: 12 noon to 8 pm
Sunday May 10: 11 am to 3 pm

Materials: Body in motion.

Surveillance cameras are placed on the skin, pointing to the skin, in
different places anywhere on the body, becoming an interface (or
intrabody) in an interactive system (or intra-active body) for the
performance/metaformance of Microdances. The nearly legible abstract
moving fragments of the body are projected like an architecture, onto
buildings as an urban intervention, or indoors, producing an immersive
space. Always look at the projection as you move, let the projection
move you. Proprioceptive feedback is transposed to the microdances,
the amorphous movements of the images, while the voice is processed
life through a software becoming a chorus of dissolving voices. First
one body only, then more together, constituting a metabody.
The molecule will setup a workshop for experimenting with the
production of such post-anatomical metabody-architecture-sexes and its
possibilities as warfare for the proliferation of amorphous desire: in
the streets, through the internet and across other media, liberating
an antibody of form in the disciplinary-anatomical machines of
production and simulation in digital culture.

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