RE: Feral Trade Café Opening.

A warm thank you from the Furtherfield/HTTP Gallery crew and Kate Rich,
to all those who managed to make it to the Feral Trade Café Opening this
Saturday. The official time was for 4 - 7pm, but it got so busy with a
constant influx of people that it went on until 8pm. We had over 80
visitors through the afternoon till early evening, the setting was
convivial and the sun was shining.

For those who are still interested in visiting it will be open until 2nd
Aug - Fri, Sat & Sun, 12 - 5pm.


An art exhibition that is also a working café, Feral Trade Café opens at
HTTP Gallery for 8 weeks during Summer 2009. Serving food and drink
traded over social networks, Feral Trade Café by artist Kate Rich (AU)
provides a convivial setting from which to contemplate broader changes
to our climate and economies, where conventional supply chains (for food
delivery and cultural funding) could go belly up.

The term 'feral' denotes the project's wilful wildness (as in pigeons)
as opposed to romantic or nature-wildness (wolves): it offers
street-wise survival tactics for urban environments. Since the first
registered Feral Trade import of 30kg of coffee direct from the growers
in El Salvador to the Cube Microplex in Bristol in 2003, Kate Rich has
used social networks to traffic edible produce from around the world.
Feral Trade participants become mules, carrying food items with them on
trips they would have taken anyway and delivering them to depots
(usually friends’ and colleagues’ flats or workplaces) in the growing

more info about the show & how to get there:
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