Sorry I did a mistake with the date for the screenings of SLUM CITY.
It's next Thursday the 18th of June, 6.30 - 9 pm.


Thursday 18 June, 6.30 - 9pm

SLUMP Screenings presents a body of film curated by artist Laura
Oldfield Ford that includes artists films, activist footage and
documentary charting urban social upheaval in the capital throughout
the 80s, 90s to the present day.

The films are derived from Oldfield Ford's current project
'Britannia:States of Emergency' In which the artist undertakes a
process of chronographically mapping the country along the lines of
social antagonism by focusing on urban areas where uprisings have
taken place. Today many of the areas have been subjected to urban
renewal schemes as a direct result of social unrest with Toxteth and
the subsequent Liverpool garden Festival being well documented

The main focus of Oldfield Ford's project is the Summer of 1981 when
the whole country erupted in riots including Brixton and Dalston.
Oldfield Ford examines how architecture and urban planning have been
employed as a strategy for ‘designing out’ dissent. The project sets
out not to treat social upheaval as a source of leftist nostalgia but
as a radical critique of contemporary urbanism.

Space Studios
129-131 Mare St
London, Hackney, E8
020 8525 4330


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