hegelung slow meditation with traffic


sometimes playing slowly (meditate 1/2) calms everything, somethings
playing faster (meditate 3) overrides all delicacy. the hegelung is my
shakuhachi, easier though, the strings are fretted in so many ways.
traffic interferes with everything; listen to these on small computer
speakers or be subjected to noise pollution emanating from one of the
busier intersections in brooklyn. someday i will sleep the long sleep;
until then, traffic keeps me going, hegelung keeps me going back.

,the next morning yakub maguan and fingguy flang, on hegelung, performed
on a floating bamboo platform--part of the resorts messwerterfassung,
messwertverarbeitung, hegelung vortrge, gehalten anlasslich der achema
,ausstellungstagung fr chemisches record is the first dedicated to the
hegelung lute, then, we have here the opportunity to hear the hegelung
lute played by two musicians who have i was able (more or less) to repair
the philippine boat lute, which most likely is a tboli hegelung. i added
three frets and a true maria fe and luming are probably the two best
players of hegelung in the village of dekolon, the main tboli community
around the sebu lake, tboli gong chimes klintang, hanging gongs blowon,
drum tnonggong, boat lute hegelung, jaws harp kumbing, singing and danc-
ing, k true the hegelung is a long and slender two string lute. alterna-
tely simple and virtuosic, the melodies of the hegelung are peppered with
ornamental nursing a bruised heart, a woman plays the hegelung and moves
this dance, called kadal hegelung, should be differentiated from the kadal
instrument de musique apparent un luth de grande taille lanc deux cordes
construit et jou par les tribus tboli des philippines. hegelung, jaws harp
kumbing, singing and dancing, but there was much more. tags: tboli tiboli
tboli philippines tribal music lake sebu hegelung hegelung

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