quoting Walter Benjamin:
Paris, die Hauptstadt des XIX. Jahrhunderts
online publication series on facebook
based on daily updates since august 3, 2009-

walter benjamin, paris 1937, fotoarchiv: dhm berlin

the structure of facebook as a social networking tool and magazine with 
decentralized notes, essays and media publications, in a mixture of private and 
public statements coming from all kinds of content fields, enhances the concept 
of short daily updating and interactive communication. 

Walter Benjamins essay Paris, die Hauptstadt des XIX. Jahrhunderts relates to 
interdependencies of media technologies coming up in XIX. century and having an 
influence of society and the arts in early XX. century. The essay is pioneering 
and many approaches of rethinking structures of society still seem to apply to 
the information age in its current states. 

the concept of daily short quotes on the theme, afresh introducing the 
approaches of one of the most pioneering philosophers of the early XX. century 
on a social networking platform like facebook with its millions of members 
might be a socially effective contemporary approach to give new appreciation to 
the ouevre of Walter Benjamin in all its contemporary relevance. 

the daily short notice creates different attention and ways of perception than 
reading a book. it will be interesting to experience actions and reactions on 
Walter Benjamin's ideas and reflections today, in such an interactive framework 
as an online web 2.0 platform. quoting Walter Benjamin: Paris, die Hauptstadt 
des XIX. Jahrhunderts is a communication project applying a social networking 
tool to interactively discuss developments of European society in the early 
XXI. century while experimenting with new forms of perception.


ngo for new media

alexandra reill

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mail to: alexandra.re...@kanonmedia.com
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