Hi Karen,

That would be so cool!
I'll send you the itinerary so that you can see if it works for you.
Leaving from London on the 3rd September. The more the merrier! And yes
it's part of marc's and my pledge not to fly for art- to experience
another way.

So far I am pretty horrified at how difficult it is to plan and book a
trans-european rail trip. Very un-joined up and expensive.


-----Original Message-----
From: karen blissett <karen.bliss...@googlemail.com>
Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Eclectic Tech Carnival Istanbul
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 11:35:47 +0100

Hello Ruth,

I may be around this time - I will try to meet you and others on the
overland journey. It sounds great, it depends on whether some work comes
up that I supposed to be doing.

Am I right in presuming that you are going by train all the way, partly
because of your we won't fly for arts pledge?

I also read a nice blog piece a couple of days ago (it might of been
posted on here actually) Transport of Delight - by The Arts Catalyst
group, about travelling together with you and others to the Eclectic
Tech Carnival Istanbul - http://tinyurl.com/lcpqdz


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